Pancake Day: How to make the perfect pancake in three easy steps

HAPPY Pancake Day! Today is Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday. For those looking to cook the tasty batter treats, here’s how to make the perfect pancake in three easy steps.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Businesses take part in Pancake Day race in Maidenhead

Pancake Day is a day which involves eating warm batter-based flat cakes, which can either be sweet or savoury. Whether you choose to add Nutella, fruit, sugar or savoury toppings like cheese or mushrooms, today is the day to enjoy the perfect crepe. Here is how to make the perfect pancake in three easy steps.

For the perfect pancake, you will need the following ingredients -

Makes around 8

  • 125g plain flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 egg plus 1 egg yolk
  • 225ml whole or semi-skimmed milk 
  • Small knob of butter

Read More: Lent 2019: Is Ash Wednesday the first day of Lent?

Pancake recipe

Pancake recipe: Here's how to make pancakes in three easy steps (Image: GETTY)

1. Sift the flour into a large bowl and add the pinch of salt. With a spoon (or a clean finger) create a well in the flour and pour the egg and egg yolk in.

Mix in the milk with 2tbsp of water and beat together until smooth creamy consistency forms.

2. Heat butter in a frying pan over medium-high heat, but don’t add too much - just enough to grease the bottom of the pan.

It should be hot enough to sizzle when the pancakes hit it.

Pancake recipe

Pancake recipe: You need just five ingredients and a frying pan (Image: GETTY)

3. Ladle the mixture across the pan and swirl the pan around to coat it with the batter. As it begins to set, use a pallet knife to loosen it and then use the same knife to flip it over.

If you’re feeling brave, after loosening it you could toss the pancake - make sure you do this carefully but firmly, gripping the handle of the pan with firm hands and flip the pan upwards and slightly towards you.

Pancakes are best enjoyed when hot and adorned with your favourite toppings.

Traditional toppings include lemon and sugar, chocolate spread, berries or golden syrup.

Pancake recipe

Pancake recipe: Last step - Adorn with your favourite toppings and enjoy! (Image: GETTY)

Why is today known as Pancake Day?

Pancake Day is also known as Shrove Tuesday - the traditional feast day before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

Shrove Tuesday always takes place 47 days before Easter Sunday and was a time when Anglo-Saxon Christians went to confession to be “shriven” or absolved of their sins.

A bell was rung to signify the time for confession, known as the “Pancake Bell” or “Shriving Bell”.

The reason pancakes are associated with the day is because it was the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before fasting began during Lent.

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