Get rid of garden slugs overnight with gardener’s ‘very easy’ homemade trap

Slugs are known to eat away at flowers, plants and crops, but gardeners can get rid of them for good in just one night with this simple homemade trap.

Gardening expert details natural ways to deal with slugs

Nothing is worse than seeing a beloved plant destroyed by slugs munching on it, but you can easily protect your garden with a simple homemade solution. 

Melanie Horsey, a gardener from John Horsey Horticulture has advised that one of the easiest ways to keep slugs, snails and other slimy pests away is to make a simple beer trap. 

She said: “This is a great tip for protecting your plants from the terror of those slugs and snails decimating all your hard work.

“A beer trap for slugs and snails is ecologically friendly and it does work. Indeed there is a certain schadenfreude in counting out your haul the next morning.” 

According to Melaine, all you need for this old-school gardening trick is cheap beer such as Tesco Value and any container that is at least two centimetres tall such as a plastic cup. 

Picture of slugs eating away at a crop

Slugs will eat away at plants, flowers and crops unless dealt with (Image: Getty)

Melaine said: “The main point is that the lip of the cup must be about two centimetres above the ground. Slugs and snails will climb over the lip. 

“If the container is flush at ground level, your friendly beetles, toads, newts etc. would be caught too and that would be a shame.” 

All you need to due to pour the beer in the container and leave it near the soil of your plants overnight for the slugs to find. 

Slugs and snails are attracted to beet due to its yeast and sugar content which they feed on, and they can detect the strong fermented smell from a distance. 

Once they are baited to the cup they will crawl inside and not be able to stick to the sides, resulting in them falling it and dying. 

Picture of a beer trap for slugs in a garden

Using a beer trap is a cheap and natural way to get rid of slugs (Image: Getty)

Make sure to leave your beer trap close to the plants you wish to protect as snails and slugs cannot travel fast, and check the trap daily to throw out the deal snails or refresh the beer if it has been raining. 

This homemade slug killer is a much more natural alternative than spraying pesticides filled with harsh chemicals around your plants and is incredibly effective at keeping slugs away. 

Melaine said: “This beer trap is a very simple hack for pest control. You will only need to fill up your container with about one-third of beer and leave it overnight. 

“Very easy and several can be dotted about at any one time. In the morning, just empty out the slugs for the blackbirds and repeat.” 

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