POLL: Should ‘ludicrous’ 20mph speed limits be banned?

The speed limit on many roads in Britain has been reduced to 20mph and the Welsh Minister for Transport and Technology has criticised Wales's decision to introduce this nationwide.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

20mph sign

POLL: Should ‘ludicrous’ 20mph speed limits be banned? (Image: Getty)

will become one of the first countries in the world to reduce the default national speed limit on residential roads from 30mph to 20mph this September, but the decision has not been welcomed by all.

Speaking during a debate on the matter in the Senedd on Wednesday, June 28, Shadow Minister for Transport and Technology called for the Welsh Government to scrap the “ludicrous” 20mph speed limit. Natasha Asghar said that although she understood the need for “targeted action” outside schools, play areas and high streets, she disagreed that a  blanket 20mph limit was the way forward, arguing that it would be “hugely damaging”.

Chair of the Senedd Petitions Committee, Jack Sergeant forced a Senedd petition against the change, which was signed by more than 21,000, to be closed earlier this month to allow more time for debate.

The petition was created by Benjamin James Watkins who argued that a reduced speed limit would result in road rage, affect commute times and questioned whether it was a money-making exercise.

Natasha Asghar

Natasha Asghar called for the Welsh Government to scrap the law (Image: Matthew Horwood/Getty)

Several UK cities have enforced 20mph zones in residential areas and around schools, but Wales will be the first UK nation to reduce the default speed limit. 

Labour MS John Griffiths said that the 20mph rule will allow people to “reclaim their streets” and make “living communities”.

Dr Sarah Jones, Consultant in Environmental Public Health for Public Health Wales, said: “The evidence is clear that reducing traffic speeds has multiple health and wellbeing benefits.  It improves road safety, reduces noise pollution and over time will help to tackle air pollution.”

Research has shown that the slower speed limit is safer, with pedestrians five times more likely to be killed if they are hit by a vehicle driven at 30mph compared to 20mph.

But what do YOU think? Should 20mph speed limits be banned? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below. 

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