POLL: Should electric scooters be banned from public roads?

The UK has e-scooter trials operating in more than 35 areas across the country, but Britons have expressed concern about safety and regulation of the transportation.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Electric scooters: Halfords explain how to set up and use

It is illegal for Britons to ride in public areas, including on roads, pavements, cycle lanes and pedestrian-only areas, unless they are part of a Government-backed trial. There are more than 35 areas across the country running trials but there are increasing concerns surrounding their safety. So, do you think they should be banned from public roads? Vote in our poll.

electric scooters

Should electric scooters be banned from public roads? (Image: Getty)

A new survey of 2,000 Britons by the National Accident Helpline has shown that two-thirds of people think should not be used on public roads, while three-quarters think a driving licence and insurance should be a minimum requirement.

Legal and Compliance Director at National Accident Helpline, Jonathan White, commented on the data and said that the public is worried about the use of e-scooters. 

READ MORE: Electric scooters slammed as most Britons call for urgent ban

He : “E-scooters are an increasingly important part of the UK’s transport portfolio. They are a good cheap form of transport which have significant environmental benefits. The reality though is they can be dangerous.

“Not only does the lack of regulation around private e-scooters cause concern but the silent nature of the vehicles means pedestrians crossing roads, are very vulnerable to accidents. Our survey shows that requirements for driving licences and insurance are key to restoring confidence.”

Data from the Department for Transport has found that  users are around three times more likely to be injured compared to cyclists. Statistics show that there were 1,349 crashes between June 2021 and 2022 involving , compared with 978 crashes the year before. There were also 12 deaths in collisions involving .

So what do YOU think? Should be banned from public roads? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below. 

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