'We’re trolled all the time but Harvey never ceases to amaze me' says Katie Price

EXCLUSIVE - For Learning Disability Week, Katie Price tells Catherine Jones all about supporting a child with complex needs.

Katie Price and her son Harvey

Katie Price's son Harvey was born with autism, partial blindness and Prader-Willi Syndrome (Image: Express)

Katie Price isn’t short on achievements, as a famous glamour model, reality TV star, bestselling author and businesswoman. But like so many mums, what really lights her up with pride is talking about her kids – especially Harvey, 22, who has achieved so much in spite of grappling with many complex illnesses, including a learning disability.

“Harvey never ceases to amaze and impress me,” says Katie, 46.

“His drawings are amazing, he has great banter, his memory is amazing, he plays the keyboard without reading music, he’s so good on his iPad and can do things I can’t even do.

“He’s more clever than me in ways. He’s even got a Guinness World Record.”


Like 1.5 million people in the UK, Harvey has a learning disability, which can mean needing support with day-to-day activities.

The level of needs that comes with having a learning disability can vary. Some may require round-the-clock one-to-one care to keep them safe, while others may need help with specific tasks like using public transport, managing finances, interacting socially or regulating their emotions.

The cause of Harvey’s learning disability is unclear, but it could be linked to some of his other conditions, which include septo-optic dysplasia (a disorder of early brain development which has caused blindness), autism and Prader-Willi Syndrome (a rare genetic condition which can cause an excessive appetite).

Katie has spoken in the past about Harvey’s behavioural issues, which include repeatedly banging his head against a wall, lashing out in distress or raiding the fridge.

The Celebrity Big Brother winner says being a mum to a child with complex needs means adapting your whole way of life, the way you communicate and being “very, very patient”.

“You can’t rush Harvey like other kids,” she says. “You have to tell him before you do things, warn him.”

Harvey’s learning disability and sensitive hearing means he gets distressed by the sound of cutlery, drawers closing or doors banging. In restaurants, Katie asks staff to put a napkin over the door to muffle the sound and when he gets distressed, she calms him with noises.

“I have to go ‘ahem’ and then clap my hands,” she explains. “People must think, ‘What is she doing?’, but that’s what Harvey likes. I’ll clap and he laughs. So it’s like a comfort thing for him.”

Having a child with a learning disability brings significant additional pressures and stresses, says Mencap’s Rachel Wilson.

“Being a parent to a child with a learning disability can be wonderful and rewarding but it can bring ­challenges too. We hear of parents feeling anxious, stressed and constantly worried about their child’s health and wellbeing. They might have to juggle doctors’ appointments, therapy sessions and daily care routines, and they may feel isolated due to the unique challenges they face.

“Parents are having to fight for their children with a learning disability to get adequate healthcare, suitable education and many more things we take for granted. Talking to other parents who understand can be a huge help and we’d encourage anyone struggling to get in touch with us.”

Katie was just 24 when she gave birth to Harvey. At seven weeks he was tested for blindness after he failed to do a “social smile”. From there on, Katie says it was one diagnosis after another.

“There were always lots of doctors, hospital visits and then different classes you do for stimulation, play therapy, speech therapy,” says the mum-of-five.

“Because Harvey was my first, I had nothing to compare him to, but I would notice other babies of his age and how behind he was. I could tell by the noises he made, and he never said ‘Mum’.

“None of my friends had kids with learning disabilities, so it was a lonely place, but Iwant other people to know you’re notalone. There’s loads of people in our situation and so many charities out there.”

Despite the challenges Katie has faced, she is philosophical about having a child with complex needs.

“I’ve always been a maternal person and wanting to care so I believe I was obviously meant to have Harvey. I’ve dealt with it really well and had good support around the family.”

Katie, who says caring for Harvey has inspired her to train as a ­paramedic, is really happy with the medical care Harvey has received, saying it is “spoton”.

He has a learning disability nurse, trained specifically to understand how to communicate with him and make reasonable adjustments, while his learning disability passport explains to medical staff how to communicate and what makes things easier for him. Worryingly, Mencap says not everyone with a learning disability is getting the medical help they need.

Only a quarter in England are included on their GP’s learning disability register which enables them to access an annual health check and be prioritised for Covid or flu vaccines.

And men with a learning disability die on average 20 years earlier than people without one. This could be due to them not getting the support they need in medical situations, or the vital social care they require.

Mencap has heard cases of people who felt their learning disability prevented them from getting diagnosed or treated for their medical condition as it was hard for them to articulate their symptoms or they thought medical professionals didn’t take them seriously.

The charity is calling on all political parties to commit to tackling these health inequalities by ensuring more people with a learning disability are on the GP learning disability register and training and retaining more Learning Disability Nurses.

Harvey’s conditions mean simple health issues can escalate. In July 2020, he ended up in intensive care with a sky-high temperature and breathingdifficulties.

“It was quite frightening because no one knew what was wrong with him,” Katie remembers.

There were also concerns when Harvey caught Covid as evidence shows people with a learning disability are six times more at risk of dying from the virus than the general population.

Despite the challenges Harvey faces, he is not letting his learning disability get in the way of leading a full life and he enjoys hobbies such as baking, drawing and swimming.

He has achieved great things, from his standing ovation after playing the keyboard on Autism’s Got Talent, to winning that Guinness World Record, for drawing the longest train, at 21m.

Katie says there is sadly still a stigma around people with a learning disability.

“We get trolled all the time [because of Harvey’s disability]. It’s disgusting, because if people met Harvey, he is such a well-mannered, funny man.”

Katie is hopeful society’s attitudes are changing though.

“Because of social media, there is a lot more awareness about learning disabilities and people on TV are talking about it,” she says. “I think back in the day it was hidden.”

Katie is right that people are seeing more high-profile celebrities with learning disabilities than in the past.

Model Ellie Goldstein made history as the first Vogue cover model to have Down’s Syndrome, CBeebies presenter George Webster has a BAFTA and Line of Duty actor Tommy Jessop was the first person with Down’s Syndrome to star in a primetime BBC drama.

Alongside Harvey, these celebrities are Mythbuster ambassadors for Mencap and supporting Learning Disability Week, busting misconceptions and raising awareness of the things people with a learning disability can achieve, with the right support.

Katie says: “Never underestimate people just because they’ve got a learning disability because they are a lot smarter than us.

“I’m just so proud of him and other people like Harvey.

“I’ve never had the self-doubt that Harvey’s not going to be able to do this or do all that, because he continues to amaze me in different ways.”

  • Harvey and Katie Price are supporting Mencap’s Do you See Me? campaign for Learning Disability Week. Find out more at mencap.org.uk/learningdisabilityweek

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