James Martin wants to 'relax more' but retirement on hold for new projects

James Martin is juggling his television show James Martin's Saturday Morning, restaurants, cook books and other appearances.

James Martin

James Martin has opened up about retirement (Image: ITV)

Despite juggling television, restaurants, cook books as well as plethora of other jobs, James Martin has revealed he has no plans to hang up his boots and will not be retiring anytime soon.

The 51-year-old told Hello!: "I've got no plans as yet to do that and I'm looking at new projects all the time," but added: "some more relaxation might be great!"

After showing off his moves and ending up in fourth place on Strictly Come Dancing back in 2005, the chef has no plans to do any other reality television shows. He said to the aforementioned publication: "I've no plans at the moment. The Saturday Show and The Adventures keep me pretty busy."

During the most recent episode of James Martin's Saturday Morning, things took a sour turn after two guests got involved in a heated debate. The TV chef was joined by celebrity guests Jordan North and William Hanson who discussed their podcast and new book.

Chef Richard Bertinet shared a taste of French cuisine and Chef Ashley Palmer-Watts who cooked a Grilled Lobster Mayonnaise. James then welcomed Dipna Anand and her dad Gulu Anand who own a restaurant together and are experts in Punjabi cuisine.

As they took to the kitchen to make Haandi Chicken Masala and Rice, things quickly became awkward as the father-and-daughter duo began bickering. During the episode, James handed Dipna a bowl of raw chicken so she could get started with the dish. As James stated: “There’s your chicken,” the chef remarked: “That the chicken dad’s been sulking about."

James Martin

James admitted he has no plans to retire just yet (Image: ITV)

Although James let out a chuckle and looked over to Gulu, she remained stern as she placed the chicken in a pot.

Dipna explained: “I got the butcher to cut the chicken instead of dad.”

James then interjected to say Gulu cutting a chicken “in less than a minute into 27 pieces” was one of the most “magical things” he’s seen on the show.

As she agreed: “That was epic,” Dipna’s father pointed out it was “from the joints.”

James Martin

James was in the middle of a heated exchange (Image: ITV)

Defending her choice, the chef stated: “All I said was you’re not the only person who knows how to cut a chicken. I told the butcher how to cut it and I think he’s done an ok job.”

While the pair were going back and forth, the ITV star looked at the camera in disbelief before stepping back to join chefs Richard Bertinet and Ashley Palmer-Watts who were seated to the side.

James jokingly asked: “You alright gents, you alright lads,” as he laughed and took a swig of his drink.

Noticing the awkward laughter, Dipna reverted the conversation back to the recipe as she continued: “Anyway, you can use chicken on the bone. That’s traditional.”

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