Craig David's been celibate for a year after suffering 'traumas' from one-night stands

Craig David has candidly opened up about his turbulent romantic life, revealing he has "pulled it back" and become celibate in order to heal himself from the "trauma" of his very first heartbreak.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Craig David has been known for his womanising ways for decades, even boasting about his sex life in his 7 Days single 23 years ago.

However, the 42-year-old claims he has now been celibate for “a year or so” after years of one-night stands left him with “many different traumas”.

The singer spoke to Louis Theroux on the BBC star’s podcast, adding that he hopes his celibacy will also help him get to a mental place that will nurture a relationship the next time it comes along.

Craig declared: “Sometimes you gotta pull it back, man. I’m 42 years old now, things are different.”

He explained that he’s looking for a relationship where he can “deep dive”, or “have a conversation and at the same time laugh like crazy”.


Craig David

Craig David candidly opened up on how he's rethinking his approach to love (Image: GETTY)

The singer added that anything else would be “the same game that I’ve been playing since day one” and he simply doesn’t want that anymore.

Talking about his string of one-night stands, Craig explained that he now realises it was “all nonsense”.

The British singer explained: “The way I was setting up things was like ‘look, the way we’re talking, I’d love to meet up but I’m not ready to commit’. But that’s all nonsense too. You can say whatever you want to say and if that’s reciprocated you feel like there’s some sort of agreement.

“I realised me not healing my own issues meant I couldn’t be open to someone else.”

Craig David

The singer catapulted to fame in 1999 (Image: GETTY)

The singer opened up on his first experience with romance which saw him “stuck in the friendzone” as a teenager.

He recalled being the “shoulder to cry on” for the girl he loved, although she was far more interested in the captain of the school’s football team.

Craig admitted this first heartbreak triggered a “defence mechanism” inside him, keeping everyone at arm’s length even when he got to “experience the other side of the coin” through his rising fame.

He explained: “If there’s no root to the plant where the plant can’t grow. For me there was a period of time where I was like ‘just cut flowers, they look beautiful’.”

The songwriter also candidly took a moment to apologise to the women he dated who tried to “break through” his defenses.

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