Alan Titchmarsh leaves guest squirming as he probes over 'skinny dipping hobby'

Alan Titchmarsh proved to be well-informed as he sat down with actress Caroline Quentin on his ITV programme to probe over her love of wild dipping in the buff.

Alan Titchmarsh quizzes Caroline Quentin on 'skinny dipping'

Alan Titchmarsh left his guest Caroline Quentin blushing as he quizzed her over her "skinny dipping hobby".

The Men Behaving Badly star, 64, seemingly wasn't quite ready for his probe as she appeared on his self-titled show, Love Your Weekend where they had been discussing her very succesful acting career.

But Caroline quickly began to laugh loudly and squirm as Alan touched on her love of hitting the fresh outdoor water in nothing but her birthday suit. Cutting to the chase and asking her outright, he said: "I didn't know that one of your hobbies was skinny dipping."

Belting out a huge squeal, Caroline appeared to be motified as she chuckled to herself before admitting that she did like to dabble in taking the odd swim with "no clothes on".

"I really like to swim in open water, like ponds, or rivers or lakes but I have a big pond at home and I like to go in with no clothes on," she confessed. Alan simply responded:"Really?" As he then quizzed: "Is it a sort of wildish pond?"

Alan fronts his own show Love Your Weekend

Alan left guest squirming (Image: ITV)

Caroline replied: "Yeah, it is with dragonflies and frogs and newts, it's beautiful actually and it is one of the things that makes me happiest, more than anything else." Unimpressed, the garden expert told her:" Caroline, I think we need a word about personal hygiene here."

"Ohh I always have a shower after," retorted Caroline as the rather bashful presenter chimed back: "Ohh right." Shutting down the probe, The Jonathan Creek star told him: "There are no tadpoles where there shouldn't be tadpoles, Alan. It's fine."

The discussion then moved on to Caroline's small and brief role in the hit Netflix series Bridgerton. Fans of the programme will recall she played the obnoxious Lady Berbrooke in season one.

Caroline appeared on Alan's ITV show

Caroline squirmed over her "skinny dipping hobby" (Image: ITV)

She had a very small role but it was a significant part, Lady Berbrooke was invited to tea at Bridgerton house with the prospect that her son would marry Baron Berbrooke (played by Jamie Beamish) was attempting to corner Daphne into marriage.

Daphne's mother, Lady Bridgerton, welcomed a gathering at her home for them all to become more acquainted but Lady Berbrooke who enjoyed diving into the array of cakes and refreshments on offer suffered a terrible accident as she scoffed away.

It turns out the scene was actually unplanned and Caroline did nearly lose a tooth after biting into a decorative silver ball without knowing. Speaking about the scene, Alan joked: "There goes a tooth."

Caroline spoke to Alan candidly on his show

Caroline revealed the scene in Bridgerton "was real" (Image: ITV)

Caroline explained: "Do you know, my friend Lisa who I was at school with does all of the food on Bridgeton and we were in a dormitory together when we were little, little girls and when I bit down it was one of those silver balls that are on cakes."

"Yeah," Alan nodded, the TV personality continued:"Well she came over and went 'I'm so sorry," she added: "But that was genuine it really was like I think 'I've taken a tooth out'."

The gardener jokes: "It sounded great," as Caroline corrected: "No it wasn't, that is me biting down on one of those silver balls."

"You see your timings bang on even when you're biting into a cake," chirped back Alan.

Alan Titchmarsh's Love Your Weekend airs on Sundays on ITV1 and ITVX.

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