BBC Debate viewers left 'distracted' by Penny Mordant's eye-catching new look

Representatives from the UK's seven largest parties took part in the General Election debate on the BBC tonight.

By Fran Winston, Showbiz Reporter

Penny Mordaunt and Angela Rayner clash during BBC Election Debate

The BBC hosted the latest general election debate on Friday night (June 7) when they welcomed seven representatives from the UK's largest parties and gave them an opportunity to lay out their plans for the country. However, while many serious issues were debated, viewers found themselves completely distracted by candidate Penny Mourdant's glamourous blow dry.
The leader of the House of Commons had clearly made an effort and looked extremely stylish and her hair was styled into a voluminous lob (long bob). Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, viewers shared their opinions on the style, which seriously divided them.

@MattHighton wrote: "Honestly Penny Mordaunts hair hasn’t moved once #BBCDebate." @McGinleyTony opined: "Penny Mordant must have went through some amount of Harmony hair spray #BBCDebate." (sic)
@doktorb joked: "Penny Mordaunt's hair is saying more about her leadership ambitions than anything I've seen and heard this year #BBCDebate." @fishywishwish quried: "Wtf is going on with Penny Mordaunt’s hair?! #BBCDebate." (sic)
@CamillaTominey asked: "Can I please have the number of the person who has done Penny Mordaunt’s blow dry? #BBCElectiondebate." (sic)

Close up of Penny Mourdaunt speaking on the BBC General Election Debate

BBC viewers of the General Election Debate found Penny Mourdaunt's hair distracting (Image: BBC)
@PoLeWitt opined: "Penny Mordaunt’s hair is really quite intimidating… #BBCDebate. Meanwhile @BrexitTurmoil wondered: "Has someone started a Twitter account for Penny Mordaunt’s hair yet? #BBCDebate." (sic)
Penny exuded confidence with the look as she clashed with Labour's Angela Rayner at numerous points during the debate. At one point, she ripped into her over Labour's position on the nuclear deterrent insisting it is "too late" for Sir Keir Starmer's party when it comes to credibility on the UK's nuclear deterrent.

The senior Conservative politician said: "I have to just mention also the cornerstone of our defence is our nuclear deterrent and you need more than submarines, sailors and warheads to deliver that.

"You need credibility and it's too late for Labour on credibility. Angela Rayner voted recently along with the guy that wants to be foreign secretary and half of the Labour frontbench to end our nuclear deterrent.

"If you're doubting that they would use that force and she might be prime minister in four of five years time, if you are doubting that she or David Lammy or Keir Starmer would use that, imagine what Putin is thinking.

Angela Raynor and Penny Mourdant standing at side by side podiums ont he BBC General Election Debate

Angela Raynor and Penny Mourdant both appeared on teh BBC General Election Debate (Image: BBC)

"Without credibility, we become a target, if we become a target you are less safe, it's too late for this generation of Labour politicians, that credibility is shot. Do not vote these people in."

The Labour deputy leader replied: "Penny you can keep pointing at me but you're the party that has cut the armed forces, crashed the economy and left us in a real mess.

"Keir has been absolutely clear, I am absolutely clear, we will keep our nuclear deterrent and we will invest in it into the future."

Ms Rayner responded: "We've become a laughing stock internationally because of your party. Keir Starmer has changed the Labour Party."

Ms Rayner and shadow foreign secretary David Lammy were among 48 Labour MPs who voted against the renewal of the Trident nuclear programme in 2016.

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