Macron forced to backtrack on immigration demands as EU rebels stand firm

FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron asked EU state members to show “solidarity” and share the burden of asylum-seekers - by paying more money into the European Union.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Macron greets Merkel at EU summit in Brussels

France has put forward a proposal in a bid to find a political solution over immigration as Italy's new hardline stance threatens to divide the bloc.

Following the first day of the meeting between the EU28 in Brussels, Mr Macron stated all EU members should do their part to help the bloc tackle immigration.

But instead of obliging everyone to take a share of Brussels-imposed quota, Paris said countries which don’t want to accept immigrants within their borders could pay more money into the EU border agency or other elements of the bloc’s response to immigration.

An aide to French President Emmanuel Macron briefed reporters on the summit sidelines saying: "The principle of solidarity is non-negotiable. 

The principal of solidarity is non-negotiable

Emmanuel Macron's aide

“We can, though, reflect on how solidarity is shown.

"It could be a material or financial contribution to Frontex (border agency), it could be a financial contribution to the training of Libya's coastguard, to development projects in North Africa."

Countries receiving the biggest number of migrant arrivals, such as Greece and Italy, have long called for all EU state members to share the burden and host some refugees who arrive on their shores.

But Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic have starkly refused to accept migrants or to meet the mandatory quota set by the EU, saying an intake of migrants would threaten their security. 

macron conte eu summit immigration

France proposed to show 'solidarity' over immigration by paying more money to the EU (Image: GETTY)

Mr Macron’s aide claimed these countries, united under the name Visegrad, may be keen on accepting this proposal.

He said: "The Visegrad countries noted with interest that there has been an opening on the modalities of solidarity.”

The aide added discussions with the four countries will continue in the weeks ahead.

Mr Macron had already met the Visegrad’s leaders for an hour before the kick off of the summit.

The proposal comes after Italy’s one-month old populist government urged the EU to show “concrete actions” to tackle the migrant crisis

eu summit live macron france immigration giuseppe conte

Italy's prime minister Conte urged the EU to show 'concrete actions' to tackle the migrant crisis (Image: GETTY)

When asked whether Italy would veto a statement on immigration following the summit earlier on Thursday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said: “It’s a possibility I hope not to consider, but if we reach that point, on my behalf we will not have shared conclusions.

“Italy does not need more words, but concrete actions.”

Rome has entered on a row with France and Spain earlier this month when Matteo Salvini, the country’s new interior minister, announced the nation’s harbours were closed to non-for-profit organisations’ ships carrying migrants rescued on the sea.

Mr Macron and Spain’s prime minister Pedro Sanchez accused the government of being “egotistical”.  

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