Record numbers being treated for drug and alcohol addiction in UK as deaths soar

The health effects of alcohol abuse costs £27bn a year in England and costs the criminal justice system £14.6bn a year.

By Lucy Johnston, Health and Social Affairs Editor of the Sunday Express

Record numbers being treated for drug use

Young woman using cocaine (Image: Getty)

Record numbers are being treated for drug and alcohol addiction with the sharpest increase among cocaine and ketamine addicts, a new report shows.

The news comes alongside figures showing spiralling deaths among drug users in treatment - accounting for 4,166 fatalities last year - 11 percent higher than 2021-2022.

Meanwhile, the number of people dying from alcohol-related diseases has risen by nearly 33 since 2019, accounting for 10,048 deaths - the highest on record.

Experts say pandemic lockdown measures and subsequent cost of living crisis is partly to blame for the surge in problem drinking and drug taking.

They also highlight a surge in availability of cocaine which is flooding the illicit drugs market due to improved production techniques.

The data, gathered from government sources by the UK drug treatment centre, the Schoen Clinic, shows the numbers seeking treatment for cocaine problems increased by 10 percent between 2022 to 2023 to 23,529.

And the number of admissions for ketamine use jumped from 1,551 between 2021 and 2022 to 2,211 between 2022 - 2023. This is 5 times higher than it was in 2014 to 2015.

The data also shows over two thirds of those needing treatment for drug use - 71 percent, or 97,685 - say they are mentally ill - this is a 53 percent increase from 2018 to 2019.

Dr Daniel Masud, addiction specialist at the Schoen Clinic, said: “The rise in treatment numbers highlights the growing need for integrated mental health support in the UK….The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health problems due to increased stress, isolation, and economic uncertainty.”

A spokeswoman for the UK Addiction Treatment Group - the largest drug and alcohol rehab provider in the UK said: “Illicit drug use has increased across the board over the past few years, but particularly cocaine use and ketamine use among young adults. We expect to see more of this as we move into the summer festival season.

She added: During covid many people also drank more at home and are now heavily reliant.

“Part of this overall increase is the fallout from the pandemic lockdowns when people developed unhealthy habits that have now taken over their lives.”

Professor Carl Heneghan, an urgent care GP and director of Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence Based Medicine said: “The widespread availability of cheap alcohol is very concerning and in addition we are seeing increased availability of drugs like cocaine with global production at record levels. The long term effects of these drugs - which are often used together in a highly toxic combination - are very damaging and include permanent liver damage, heart attacks and strokes.

“Addiction is a complex problem and we must work hard to stabilise the problem and reduce the use.”

He added: “Lockdown played a part in rising numbers drinking to excess which started a trend in increased alcohol related deaths. The more people drink the more likely they are to develop diseases like cirrhosis of the liver and once the liver is damaged it is irreversible. The widespread availability of cheap alcohol is not helping. The supermarket aisle of alcohol is larger than the fruit and veg aisle and there are always deals on offer which means people can easily exceed the alcohol limit.”

The health effects of alcohol abuse costs £27bn a year in England and costs the criminal justice system £14.6bn a year.

A recent UN report shows global cocaine production is at its highest level on record. Improvements in the conversion process from the coco plant to cocaine has helped the production boom. The report states global demand for the drug has grown despite enforcement efforts to crack down on use. And it states that curbs on passenger travel during the pandemic accelerated the use of parcel and courier services for drug transportation. It says the UK has seen “significant increase” in “fast parcel and postal” cocaine seizures.

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