Young children's prime ministers champion plant-based school meals

The Sir David Amess UK Children's Parliament stressed the importance of sustainable nutrition as part of the Extreme Hangout at London Climate Action Week.

Children's Parliament members in a discussion.

Harry Acheampong, 12, Clark Dearson, 11, chatting with BOSH TV’s Henry Firth and Ian Theasby. (Image: )

The Sir David Amess UK Children’s Parliament stressed the importance of sustainable nutrition as part of the Extreme Hangout at London Climate Action Week.

Harry Acheampong, 12, the first Wakelet Microsoft 365 UK Children’s Parliament Prime Minister, and current Prime Minister Clark Dearson, 11, united in a fireside chat with BOSH TV’s Henry Firth and Ian Theasby at Ladbroke Hall, Notting Hill.

The event showcased the young leaders’ support for ProVeg’s School Plates programme, which is endorsed by naturalist Chris Packham.

The initiative aims to introduce more plant-based options in school cafeterias, promoting healthier and more sustainable diets.

Harry said: “We all need to think about integrating more plant-based meals into our diet.”

Clark echoed this sentiment. He said: “All schools should be embracing the inclusion of plant-based onto their menus.”

Poster for the Extreme Hangout event.

The event showcased the young leaders’ support for ProVeg’s School Plates programme. (Image: )

The young Prime Ministers expressed their backing for BOSH TV’s plant-friendly versions of classic dishes, which are free from meat, eggs, and dairy.

These recipes align with ProVeg’s School Plates programme led by Chris Packham, offering nutritious and environmentally conscious alternatives.

Clark added: “To get more kids eating more plsnt based at school you need to create meals like plant based ‘Alien Mash.’”

The Extreme Hangout at London Climate Action Week 2024 offers two days of engaging activities, workshops, and discussions focused on environmental action.

This event provides a platform for young voices to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on climate change and sustainable living.

The Children’s Parliament continues to demonstrate that youth leadership is crucial in addressing global challenges, particularly in areas of nutrition and environmental sustainability. 

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