Another murder in lawless London as victim stabbed to death outside Underground station

A murder investigation has been launched after a man in his 20s was stabbed to death following a fight.

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was stabbed to death outside a London Underground station

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was stabbed to death outside a London Undergrou (Image: PA)

A murder investigation has been launched in London after a man was stabbed to death following a fight where a gunshot was heard.

Officers from the Metropolitan Police were called to the scene in Bell Street, near Edgware Road in central London, at 10.40pm on Tuesday, where they found the man with a knife injury.

The police administered CPR before London Ambulance Service paramedics arrived.

The victim, who was in his late 20s, died at the scene despite efforts from London Ambulance Service paramedics, the Metropolitan Police said.

At least one gunshot was reported to have been fired.

Police believe they know who the man is and are working to inform his next of kin.

The victim, who was in his late 20s, died at the scene

The victim, who was in his late 20s, died at the scene (Image: PA)

Three men have been arrested and remain in custody at central London police stations.

A number of crime scenes are in place and urgent enquiries are progressing.

Any witnesses or those with images and video that could help police should call 101 or get in touch with @MetCC reference CAD 8545/04JUN.

To remain 100 percent anonymous contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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