'Our Turkey terror ended in torture by police - we were beaten and sexually abused'

The Foreign Office has said it is supporting the couple following the "incident".

By Cally Brooks, News Reporter, Jamie Brassington

Bruise on the man's leg

The man shared a picture of a bruise on his leg after the alleged attack (Image: BirminghamLive)

A couple have been left traumatised after they claimed their birthday trip to Turkey ended in torture at the hands of police who "punched, kicked and poured water over man's head" and "sexually assaulted" his partner.

The 30-year-old man and his partner, 23, flew to Antalya in Turkey to celebrate the woman's birthday by spending two days in coastal resort Kemer.

The holiday nightmare, that took place on May 11, began after the couple - from Birmingham - decided to head back to their hotel after spending the evening drinking cocktails.

The man claims a local tried to take his girlfriend's bag, resulting in a slight altercation before walking back to the hotel. He then said he heard a police car pull up next to them.

Six officers then got out of the car, according to the 30-year-old, and told the couple they had to come back to the police station.

The Bay of Moonlight (Mediterranean sea) in the city of Kemer in Turkey in the spring of 2019 (the view from the mountain)

The couple were on holiday in Kemer (Image: Getty)

He now believes they were taken to a military camp due to the length of time they were in the car.

The couple were placed in separate rooms after arriving and individually tortured by the group of Turkish police. The man told BirminghamLive: "About six officers ended up hitting me, punching me, slapping me on my head and face. Everyone was taking turns.

"They took me to a back garden. I was still in handcuffs. They told me to get onto my knees. I thought 'this is it, I'm going to die'. The atmosphere felt like death. All of them were surrounding me, smoking cigarettes and laughing.

"They then hosed me down in cold water for half an hour. I was shivering." He was then brought back inside a building and heard screams from his girlfriend. He said: "I thought I wasn't going to get out of this alive. I was thinking how can police get away with this? You can't do this."

The man said his girlfriend was also beaten and "sexually assaulted", adding: "They made her drink a black liquid and threatened her if she didn't." The couple also suspect she was injected with a substance after discovering a needle-like wound on her body later on.

The man said their ordeal came to an end when a "good sergeant" arrived at the scene and asked officers what was going on before instructing them to be released. The man said their phones, money and possessions were taken.

He further claimed that the same police officers turned up at their hotel the next day as the couple were getting ready to leave for the airport. Once arriving at Antalya Airport in a taxi, the man said he sought help from another police officer at the airport, only to be passed a telephone where one of the officers was on the end, threatening him to "keep quiet".

He said: "He's come back to me and said there is someone on the phone who wants to speak to you. I was thinking "thank god, it is the British Embassy". But it was the same police officers who assaulted us. They said: "Go back to your country - if you ever talk about our police like this again, there will be trouble.

"I was about to break down, thinking are they going to come here? Me and my girlfriend were running around the airport hiding. As soon as we got checked in and were in the air, I said to my girlfriend 'we are going home'. It was the worst experience of my life."

The couple's flight took off from Turkey on Sunday evening, May 12, and landed early the next morning on Monday, May 13. Once they landed at Birmingham Airport, the couple were stopped by West Midlands Police officers who were concerned about their welfare, the man said.

"As soon as we have got off the aeroplane, the police officers have seen us," he said. "They have come and grabbed me, thinking 'do we have domestic violence here?' I didn't even say anything, my girlfriend started crying, she was saying 'look at his body'."

The man said once police officers observed his injuries, the couple were asked about what had taken place. West Midlands Police confirmed they had spoken to the couple and issued them with advice. The man added: "We just want justice." A spokesperson for the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said: "We are supporting a British couple following an incident in Turkey and are in contact with the local authorities."

A spokesperson for West Midlands Police added: "Officers spoke to two people at Birmingham Airport on May 13 who made several allegations they were assaulted whilst abroad. They were supported by officers and provided with advice."

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