Margaret Thatcher statue in Grantham defaced with 'Tories out' spray paint

A statue of Margaret Thatcher in her hometown has been targeted by vandals, who spray-painted 'Tories out' on the plinth.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Margaret Thatcher statue in Grantham covered with red paint

The memorial for Britain's has been targeted for the third time since it was erected in May. In the first instance, a man was fined after he egged the statue just two hours after its debut.

On the second occasion, pink paint was splashed across the back of the sculpture, which features Ms Thatcher wearing a robe.

Lincolnshire Police has described the incident as an act of criminal damage. The force is now viewing CCTV around the £300,000 bronze fixture.

It sits on a 10ft (3m) high plinth - and is located a short walk from where Baroness Thatcher grew up.

The sculpture was offered to South Kesteven District Council after a proposal to erect it in London's Parliament Square was rejected.

The baroness was born in the town in 1925 and died in April 2013, aged 87.

She attended local secondary Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School.

The Margaret Thatcher statue in Grantham.

The Margaret Thatcher in Grantham was defaced. (Image: SWNS)

A Grantham resident named David told that although he wasn't "a fan of some of the things that she stood for", the town should be proud to have a monument of Britain's first female Prime Minister.

The 62-year-old said: "Well, my feeling is that it's never right to deface a public monument."

He added: "You know, being the first woman prime minister of our country is something that our town ought to be proud of.

"And having a statue to commemorate that, I think it should be a positive thing and treated with positivity. That's my view, my personal view. Just because our first woman Prime Minister came from our little market town in Lincolnshire."

The Margaret Thatcher statue in Grantham.

The statue cost £300,000 and was originally intended for Parliament Square. (Image: SWNS)

However, he noted that the former PM - dubbed the Iron Lady around the globe - is a figure who has divided Grantham.

David added: "She is a woman from our town who has divided opinions."

He said that he felt the anger might be more directed at the Tories generally, due to the current political climate, with whoever defaced the statue taking it out on "the nearest Conservative thing they could find" rather than the Iron Lady in particular.

A Lincolnshire Police spokesperson said: "Incident 117 of October 22 is a report of criminal damage to the Margaret Thatcher statue on St Peter’s Hill, Grantham. This was reported just after 8am."

The other memorial to her in the town is a plaque to mark where she was born on the corner of North Parade and Broad Street.

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