'Bodies in the cellar': Separatist thugs unleash hell in 'traumatised' Ukrainian city

EXCLUSIVE: When Ukrainian troops liberated Izyum and other cities last month, they uncovered atrocities committed by Russian-backed separatists.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Kharkiv: Residents queue for aid after Russians leave

Troops from the so-called Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic have been branded "bandits and thugs" by a volunteer who witnessed the aftermath of the occupation in . Sergii Mokriev, 34, who heads the Sigma Software Social Initiative, told Express.co.uk of the horrors left behind in places like Izyum when forces retreated last month.

He said: "First there were Spetsnaz and marines from the far east [of Russia]. But the most terrible occupiers were from the LPR and DPR, the self proclaimed republics. They were the bandits, the thugs.

"They did not steal or create havoc when they were in their headquarters, but in the surrounding areas, [they] broke everything, everything [was] stolen or trashed."

The soldiers were especially concerned with civilians who had stayed behind following the occupation.

One woman told Mr Mokriev the separatist soldiers believed her husband was revealing Russian positions to Ukraine.

People queue for aid after Russian retreat.

Residents line up for food and other aid in Kharkiv Oblast. (Image: Sergii Mokriev)

A shelled building in Izyum.

Much of Izyum has been destroyed by shelling. (Image: Sergii Mokriev)

"They told her: 'Well, your husband is snitching on our positions', they started checking their phones. She deleted everything from her phone, but because she was nervous [the LPR and DPR troops] checked her phone, not her husband's. He had not deleted [the information] on his phone, they got lucky," Mr Mokriev said.

He said the same woman recounted seeing "bodies in the cellar" of the building where she was being interrogated.

Nearly 500 bodies have been recovered so far from mass graves in the areas surrounding Izyum.

Mr Mokriev added: "You can see it in people's eyes. There is a very, very severe psychological trauma if you look in people's eyes."

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Workers excavating graves near Izyum.

Nearly 500 bodies have been discovered in the areas surrounding Izyum. (Image: GETTY)

Residents in Izyum queue for aid.

People in Izyum were found 'starving' following Russia's retreat. (Image: Sergii Mokriev)

Much of Kharkiv Oblast is in a similar state as Izyum, according to Mr Mokriev. His organisation follows the frontline, bringing food and other aid to liberated settlements.

By his account, the people of Izyum were "starving" when his organisation arrived. Like most Ukrainians, Mr Mokriev is angry.

He said: "We are fighting for our land, we don’t need their land. What the hell did you come here for? What’s in your head?

"[Ukrainians] have relatives [in Russia] then they tell you you're all fascists ‘you're Nazis we will come kill you’. What's what's happening in those minds? Are they criminally insane?"

Sigma Software Social Initiative is a charitable organisation based in Kharkiv which helps deliver food, medicine and other aid to those in need. The organisation has been focused on the liberated areas of Kharkiv Oblast. 

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A map showing liberated territory in Kharkiv Oblast.

Ukraine liberated a huge amount of territory in the northeast. (Image: Institute for the Study of War/Critical Threats)

Much of Kharkiv Oblast was liberated following a massive Ukrainian counteroffensive which began in early September. It saw Russian lines collapse in the north and recapture thousands of square miles of territory by Kyiv's forces.

Izyum - which had a pre-war population of 45,884 - was captured by Russian forces in the early days of the conflict and was used as a logistics hub, many of the buildings have been destroyed and many residents fled.

Ukrainian forces have continued to make gains in the region as well as in the south of the country, where the Russian installed local government in Kherson City has begun evacuations in the face of a Ukrainian counteroffensive there.

Kherson was the first major city to be captured by Russian forces in the war and has been illegally 'annexed' by Putin following a sham referendum in the region.

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