Manhunt after woman raped in woodland on walk home from work 'Dreadful and traumatic'

A WOMAN has been raped on her way home from work in Scunthorpe prompting an urgent manhunt for her attacker.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

CSI at scene where woman raped as she walked home

A manhunt has been launched to find her attacker after the incident which occurred in the early on Tuesday morning. Humberside Police said that a man approached the woman in woodland near the Phoenix Parkway in Scunthorpe at around 3.30am on Tuesday, August 23.

Police have asked the public to remain vigilant following the incident.

Detective Chief Inspector Rebecca Dickinson said: "This is a dreadful and traumatic incident where a woman has been attacked on her way home from work.

"I’d like to reassure people that incidents of this nature in our area remain incredibly rare and we are treating this incident as a priority and are conducting extensive and detailed investigations.

"We are following up several lines of enquiries, including reviewing CCTV in the area. I would appeal for any information from anyone that might help us with our enquiries.

"If you believe you have witnessed any suspicious behaviour in the area in recent days then please do call to get in touch with us."

Police have urged anyone with information to call 101 referencing log 89 of August 23.

People can also give information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

The road.

Police are hunting for an attacker who raped a woman in Scunthorpe. (Image: Google Maps)

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