'Oh is it?' Prince William in awkward blunder as he uses IVORY plectrum to play instrument

PRINCE William’s light-hearted trip to a Japanese television studio hit an awkward moment when he was told he was playing an instrument with an ivory plectrum.

The Duke of Cambridge tries to play a shamisen during a visitPA

The Duke of Cambridge tries to play a shamisen during a visit to a television studio

The Duke of Cambridge was in high spirits, cracking jokes and dressing up when he visited the Tokyo studio on his third day in Japan.

But the light-hearted day nearly went awry when he joined in plucking a three-string guitar-like instrument called a shamisen.

After describing the sound as “wonderful” he discovered the plectrum he was using was made of ivory.

Prince William is a strong campaigner against the ivory trade and is travelling to China to speak out against the trade.

When told the plectrum was made of ivory he said with a wry smile: “Oh is it?”.

The Duke of Cambridge is dressed as a Samurai kingPA

The Duke of Cambridge is dressed as a Samurai king

The Duke of Cambridge is dressed as a Samurai kingPA

Prince William's samurai crown is fitted in place

The Duke of Cambridge is dressed as a Samurai kingPA

As the outfit is complete Prince William says he needs a samurai sword

Is it a show like EastEnders?

Prince William

He stopped playing the instrument and breezed over the blunder to enjoy the rest of his trip which had also seen him transformed into a 16th Century Japanese leader during a tour of a Tokyo television studio.

Wearing an embellished gold helmet and glittering regal red and gold tunic, Prince William was handed a replica samurai sword to look every inch the formidable ruler.

He was on the set of Sunday night historical drama Taiga.

The popular show, which is in its 54th series, features famous characters from Japanese history but changes the period for the action every year with the current series called Hana Moyu or Ardent Flower.

As he was greeted by a line of actors dressed as soldiers, the prince said: "Is it a show like EastEnders?" before being taken on to the set that depicted a chaya or tea house, used by samurai as a members' club, complete with geisha.

The Duke of Cambridge laughs as British Ambassador to Japan Tim Hitchens wears a Samurai wig PA

The Duke of Cambridge laughs as British Ambassador to Japan Tim Hitchens wears a Samurai wig

Prince William with the wigPA

Prince William said he would forever be the butt of his brother's jokes if he wore the wig

The Duke of Cambridge with Tim Hitchens, British Ambassador to JapanPA

The Duke of Cambridge laughs with Tim Hitchens, British Ambassador to Japan

The good sport joked as he was dressed in the traditional outfit and said: "I feel there should be a sword in my hand as well." And when he was told actors wore the costume and heavy armour for many hours he replied: "Not particularly easy to go for a coffee break."

When they were finished he looked into a mirror and asked his entourage: "How do I look?" before adding: "I feel ready for action."

In the hair and make-up department William dissolved into a fit of giggles when Tim Hitchens, Britain's ambassador to Japan, put on a samurai wig.

The Duke had considered wearing the wig himself but said: "If I put this on my brother would never let me forget it - I seriously can't."

Geisha Girls dance for Prince WilliamPA

Prince William watches Geisha Girls dance

The Duke of Cambridge is presented with a giftPA

The Duke of Cambridge meets actress Mao Inoue, the female star of Hana Moyu

The Duke of Cambridge is presented with a toy for Prince GeorgePA

The Duke of Cambridge is presented with a toy for Prince George

After the transformation of the senior diplomat William could not resist poking fun and told him through laughter: "This is going straight on to the Foreign Office website - brilliant."

The ambassador stood up and flexed out his arms as if he were a sumo wrestler and the Duke quipped: "A bit more weight and you would be sorted, get the sumo wrestling going - impressive, a good look."

The Duke was also presented with a bouquet of flowers and a hand-made wooden toy for Prince George by one of the television show’s actresses.

Prince William meets well-wishers in Tokyo

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