Key sign Meghan Markle uses 'heavy hand' as Prince Harry 'melts'

There is one key sign that Meghan Markle uses a "heavy hand" while Prince Harry "melts", says royal commentator.

By Grace Piercy, News Reporter, Max Parry, News Reporter

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Nigeria

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Nigeria (Image: Getty)

There is one key sign that Meghan Markle uses a "heavy hand" while Prince Harry "melts in the background", according to a royal commentator.

Writer and broadcaster, Esther Krakue, was on Sky News Australia to discuss the Duke of Sussex rejecting King Charles's invitation to stay at a royal residence during his visit to London.

When asked how the Sussexes make decisions, Krakue said: "Decisions are clearly made in house. There's a certain lack of finesses that you can see is just being made by people who don't have the benefit of the royal firm and all the expertise that goes with it.

"You can definitely see a heavy hand by Meghan in a lot of the decisions they make. You see that in a lot of the way their engagements are done, she's really at the forefront and Harry's melting into the background. She leads as much in private as she does public.

"When they were in Nigeria it was very much Meghan centre-stage and you can understand why - she's an actress, she's had a lot of time around celebrities and polishing her media persona, she's headstrong and seems very confident. Harry's just this run-of-the-mill very average English guy."


Prince Harry snubs royal tradition as Meghan Markle's mum Doria Ragland takes role instead

Prince William and Princess Kate may have hired a Norland nanny with a six-figure salary to look after their three children, but Prince Harry, 39, and Meghan Markle, 42, prefer a more traditional approach.

Sources reveal that the Sussexes have opted to keep childcare within the family, with Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland, taking on the role of the children's nanny.

The source says that the decision for Doria to step up followed a series of unsuccessful partnerships with professional nannies in the past few years.

Doria Ragland, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Doria Ragland, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle face cannabis hell as nearby farm creates 'ungodly stink'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are faced with a difficult situation after their Montecito neighbourhood in California was found to be plagued with a "jaw-clamping stench" due to legally grown cannabis farms nearby.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex live in a £12 million mansion in Montecito along with their two children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

The lavish home boasts 16 bathrooms, nine bedrooms, a games room, a home theatre, spa facilities, an elevator, a gym, a swimming pool and a tennis court.

Harry and Meghan moved into the luxurious spot back in 2020, after they quit their royal duties and left Britain earlier that year.

But now the entire neighbourhood is said to be in need of a "scrubber" machine after residents complained about a "skunk-like" odour, a "jaw-clamping stench" and an "ungodly stink", emitting in the air.

Prince Harry furious at Royal Family for 'not recognising his efforts' on Nigeria trip

Prince Harry is said to be furious that the Royal Family are still not recognising his efforts after his and Meghan Markle's trip to Nigeria received broad international coverage.

The couple travelled to the West African country earlier this month where they spent three days meeting locals, hosting panels and attending several Invictus Games events.

However, the Firm were said to be angered at the Sussexes apparently emulating a royal tour, despite them stepping down as working royals four years ago.

Royal author Tom Quinn told The Mirror: " Harry and Meghan see their recent trip to Nigeria as a huge success, but for Harry, every success is another kind of failure while his family refuse to acknowledge his efforts and steadfastly refuse to apologise for everything that has happened in the past.

"In Nigeria and even with Meghan at his side and regularly holding his hand, he still has a permanent look of bitterness on his face."

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'could do the unthinkable' with more Royal Family attacks

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could have more royal secrets to share in the coming months, an expert has claimed.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have several projects in the works, with their recent tour to Nigeria proving a success. After stepping down from their roles as senior working royals in 2020, the couple have shared several exposés on royal life, from Harry's memoir to their joint Netflix show.

But despite the couple remaining silent on royal life in recent months, an expert has warned more "attacks" could be on the way.

Speaking to the Mirror, Richard Fitzwilliams said: "It also remains the case that, although it would be unthinkable for the Sussexes to resume their attacks whilst both King Charles and Catherine are seriously ill, there is always the possibility that they might in the future."

Prince Harry has 'permanent look of bitterness' as he awaits apology from Royal Family

Prince Harry has a "permanent look of bitterness" which was obvious on his and Meghan Markle's Nigeria trip, an expert has claimed, as he reportedly still wants his an apology from his family.

The couple's tour of the country was viewed as a success by the Nigerians, however some royal circles have been critical of its close resemblance to an official royal tour.

Harry and Meghan stepped down as working royals in 2020 and as such no longer carry out royal duties, nor can they represent the Firm abroad.

Royal author Tom Quinn explained to The Mirror: "Harry and Megan see their recent trip to Nigeria as a huge success, but for Harry every success is another kind of failure while his family refuse to acknowledge his efforts and steadfastly refuse to apologise for everything that had happened in the past.

Prince Harry's blunt two-word response to Prince William's plea for reconciliation meeting

Prince Harry had a blunt two-word response to Prince William's request for a meeting which could have nipped the royal feud in the bud, according to a royal author.

The brothers were once close but are now no longer on speaking terms, with their relationship deteriorating dramatically since Harry's departure from the Firm in 2020.

Back in 2019 Harry and Meghan Markle were on a tour of southern Africa when their struggles with royal life became apparent, as he told ITV's Tom Bradby that the couple had "good days and bad days".

According to Valentine Low, author of Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, William reached out to his brother once the interview aired and while Harry was initially open to talk, he soon changed his mind when he responded with two words: "Don't come."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle risk losing £12m Montecito pad in latest 'embarrassment'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are at risk of possibly losing their £12 million mansion in Montecito, California as the legal row surrounding the Duke of Sussex's US visa rumbles on.

Last year, conservative think tank Heritage Foundation launched a lawsuit demanding the Joe Biden administration make Harry's US visa documents public, to show whether past drug use was disclosed.

The Prince publicly admitted past drug use in his January 2023 tell-all memoir Spare, leading to questions over whether this was admitted on his forms.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told The Sun it could be a PR blow for the Prince.

Meghan Markle dealt brutal seven-word swipe from Nigeria's First Lady

Nigeria's First Lady has taken aim at Meghan Markle's dress sense in a speech after her visit to the West African country with her husband, Prince Harry.

In a brutal seven-word swipe, First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu said: "We don't accept nakedness in our culture."

The First Lady spoke at an event titled 'Celebrating the Woman' and it was engagement to mark President Bola Tinubu's one year in office to recognise how women have made significant contributions to all spheres of life.

She emphasised how Nigerian women are at risk of losing their identity if necessary steps are not taken. As reported in Newsweek, she added: "They are all beautiful girls but they should be confident to know they are. They don't want to be like...even they are mimicking and trying to emulate film stars from America."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's biggest PR disasters, according to royal experts

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's biggest PR disasters have been laid out by royal experts.

Every week in 'Pump Up The Jam', royal experts Kinsey Schofield and Cristo Foufas deep-dive into the Sussexes. The most recent episode focused on the couple’s PR missteps over the years.

The royal experts said that the first PR nightmare would “define (the Sussexes) for the rest of their lives”.

After stepping back as senior royals, the couple sat down with Oprah Winfrey in 2021 for a tell-all interview about why they decided to move to America and their issues with the royal family.

Schofield said that the interview was a “rage-fueled move” by the couple after they were told that the palace had cut off the Sandringham agreement and that they couldn’t use their “Royal Highness” titles.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 'miserable' wedding day savaged: 'Worst royal wedding!'

A royal photographer has decried and wedding day as "miserable" as he and other members of the British press were made to feel unwelcome.

The couple celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary earlier this month, and while the gloriously sunny day left many guests and spectators in a good mood the occasion was far less enjoyable for those reporting on it.

The Sun's royal photographer Arthur Edwards explained how the Prince's hostile attitude to the media was already evident as he struggled to get some good wedding snaps.

He said: "It was the worst royal wedding I ever did because Harry was determined to keep the newspapers away from it as much as possible.

"Everything was done on long lenses...the photographers they engaged for the job were five feet away, it was hopeless. And then the carriage shot when they went past me in the carriage they looked the other way."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle propelled into 'A-list bracket' after 'impressive' move

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been “propelled” in the "A-lister bracket" after their successful visit to Nigeria, according to a Royal Family expert.

Although Meghan did not attend an event in London to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games earlier this month, she flew to Heathrow Airport to meet her husband, and together they traveled to Nigeria for a three-day tour of the Commonwealth country.

The tour was widely regarded as successful, with the Sussexes receiving praise for championing mental health awareness during multiple engagements in Nigeria.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told GB News that the tour propelled the couple into an "A-lister bracket".

Princess Kate's telling gesture during poignant reunion with Meghan Markle

Kate, Princess of Wales, clearly showed she had no intention to attempt small talk or put on a united front with Meghan Markle during a poignant walkabout, it has been claimed.

Prince Harry revealed in his autobiography Spare that the Duchess of Sussex and his sister-in-law never really hit it off, despite appearing in harmony during their public appearances.

After the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left the working Royal Family and Britain in the spring of 2020, the relationship between Kate and Meghan is believed to have further deteriorated, particularly in the midst of allegations and attacks against the Firm made by the California-based royals.

Before the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan and Princess Kate didn't have many opportunities for a face-to-face encounter, with the Duchess of Sussex travelling back to the UK only for a short visit to the late monarch in April 2022 and, two months later, to mark her Platinum Jubilee.

When they reunited in September 2022 to meet mourners gathered in Windsor, Kate and Meghan seemingly had the chance to, at least partially, bridge the gap between them.

King Charles 'doesn't dwell' on feud with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, insider reveals

King Charles has preferred to move his focus away from the ongoing feud with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, particularly since the latest development regarding Harry's last visit to the UK.

A close family friend has revealed that the King prefers not to "dwell" on the subject after he and his youngest son were unable to reconcile while Harry was in London for the Invictus Games 10th anniversary service.

A spokesperson for the Duke of Sussex said earlier this month that His Majesty was "too busy" with other duties to see his Harry, adding: "The Duke of course is understanding of his father's diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon."

However it has since emerged that the King did invite Harry to stay at a royal residence during his trip but that the Prince chose to stay at a hotel instead.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'looking to capitalise on advantage' expert warns

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are attempting to "take advantage" while Prince William and King Charles are unable to conduct overseas royal tours, according to royal author Angela Levin.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex embarked on a short trip to Nigeria earlier this month, visiting a secondary school and a polo club during a busy few days.

Speaking to GB News, Levin criticised the couple, suggesting they are capitalising on William and Charles's inability to travel abroad.

The Prince of Wales is currently managing his duties alongside caring for his family, following the news that Princess Kate has been diagnosed with cancer.

King Charles is also battling cancer, making lengthy overseas trips unlikely as he focuses on recovery.

Real reason Prince Harry 'declined King Charles's invite to stay at a royal residence'

Prince Harry chose not to stay at a royal residence to "avoid the risk of bumping into any of the senior royals", a royal expert has claimed.

The 39-year-old travelled to the UK to attend a special ceremony at St Paul's Cathedral to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games on May 8.

Prior to his visit, questions arose as to where he would stay during his stay - especially as he now no longer has his own residence in the UK.

It was previously reported that, despite tensions in their relationship, King Charles had offered his youngest son a stay at a royal residence but Harry declined the offer.

Speaking to the Mirror, royal expert and author Tom Quinn claimed that Harry "didn't want to admit" the real reason he declined the offer.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'will always have a role in Hollywood' for brutal reason

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle "will always have a role in Hollywood", claimed US celebrity blogger Perez Hilton.

Reports have circulated for some time about the couple's - especially Meghan's - eagerness to make it in the world of Hollywood.

Speaking about the couple, Perez told the YouTube channel Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered that he is sure that they will always have a place in Hollywood.

He opined: "They don't even need to try, they will work in Hollywood because Hollywood, like the rest of the world, is full of sheep. They will want to align themselves with the British Royal Family."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 'family left isolated' as Sussex kids 'missing out'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's children are sadly missing out on seeing family members, a commentator has claimed. US blogger and columnist, Perez Hilton, said he felt sadness for the Sussexes and their offspring, Prince Archie Harrison and Princess Lilibet Diana, as they live apart from the Windsors.

He told the YouTube podcast Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered: "Especially for their children because they're living such an isolated life. They have a large family and they're not getting to spend any time with them.

"And not even their extended family, [but] their immediate family - grandpa, and Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis."

Hilton said he recognised Harry and Meghan's experience within the Royal Family was "difficult", but argued family life is like that. He opined: "You make it work. That's family."

Prince Harry did ‘the right thing' to bow out of Duke of Westminster’s wedding

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will not be attending Hugh Grosvenor’s upcoming wedding and it’s for the best, says one royal insider.

Mr Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster, is close with both Prince William and Prince Harry, godfather to Prince George and Prince Archie, but only William will be in attendance, acting as an usher.

Hello Magazine’s Emily Nash discussed the upcoming wedding, said: “There’s no other way to look at this story, whatever the rights and wrongs on both sides, it’s just fundamentally very sad.

“It’s difficult, but you can also understand, why — diplomatically — it might be the right thing to do, because certainly, one thing the Royal Family is always clear about, they don’t want their presence, or absence, to be the focus of someone else’s happy day.

“For whatever reason, this decision has been made, and it's probably the right one, because it would absolutely become the story on the day otherwise, and no bride or groom wants that.”

Meghan Markle 'would have new royal title' if she was not Duchess of Sussex

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may have stepped back from their Royal duties, but they will always retain their Duke and Duchess of Sussex titles, an expert has claimed.

Despite their 2020 departure from the frontline of The Firm, they have continued to use their Duke and Duchess of Sussex titles as they complete charity work and build the Sussex brand.

Calls for them to be stripped of their Royal status have surged, especially as they capitalise on their titles for lucrative contracts with giants like Netflix and Penguin House.

However, even if their Royal titles were officially rescinded, a Royal commentator believes that wouldn't mean a complete loss of their titles, reports the Mirror.

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