Prince Harry and Meghan Markle suffer major blow to royal branding after new launch

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been dealt a major blow to their royal standing shortly after the Duchess of Sussex launched her new brand on Instagram.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor, Paul WithersAurora Bosotti

Prince Harry Meghan Markle.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been dealt a savage blow by the Royal Family. (Image: Getty)

and were dealt a savage blow by the shortly after the Duchess of Sussex launched her new brand American Riviera Orchard on .

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex split with the Firm in 2021, but the couple remained high on the Royal Family's website until just days ago.

However, after Meghan launched her new brand, their bios temporarily disappeared from the website before reappearing lower on the page near Prince Andrew's bio.

The descriptions of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry detail their backgrounds and mention their children Princess Lilibet and Prince Archie.

The bios also note that the Duke and Duchess have stepped down from their royal duties. Still, when introducing American Riviera Orchard, Meghan used her Duchess of Sussex title.


Prince Harry and Meghan's subtle move to prove to critics ‘they’re still in business'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been rolling out announcements the past few weeks, and one royal expert believes it’s there way of letting people know “they’re still in business.”

Historian and commentator Richard Fitzwilliams recently appeared on GB News, saying: “They’ve certainly taken steps to let us know that they are still in the business.”

Fitzwilliams is referring to Meghan’s podcast, lifestyle blog and forthcoming Netflix series, all confirmed in a matter of weeks.

He’s being generous in saying, “they” because it’s mostly Meghan. Harry was “front and centre” for a while, and now it’s Meghan’s turn, says another royal commentator Rafe Heydel-Mankoo.

Fitzwilliams says the recent turn of events is a way for Harry and Meghan "to underline that they’re still around."


Meghan Markle speaks about Prince Harry at SXSW panel

Prince Archie's christening photo correction issued after agency said snap was 'edited'

A major photo agency has been forced to issue a correction after claiming a five-year-old photograph of Prince Archie’s christening had been “digitally enhanced”.

Chris Allerton, who took the picture in question, vehemently rejected suggestions that the shot had in any way been tampered with after it was labelled as having been manipulated in a note placed on it by Getty Images.

And he was vindicated after the message was removed, with Getty subsequently clarifying what had happened.

The picture, issued in July 2019, shows Archie, then aged just two months, along with parents the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, King Charles, then the Prince of Wales, Camilla, Prince William and Kate, Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland, and Princess Diana’s sisters - Archie’s great-aunts.



Prince Harry's biggest fear about living in US revealed - and could happen within months

Prince Harry "probably does fear" Donald Trump returning to the White House, King Charles's former butler has claimed.

Grant Harrold, who worked for Charles from 2004 to 2011, added that the Duke of Sussex "get along quite well" with current US President Joe Biden and that Trump has previously shown his support to the Crown, however, Harry "obviously has got reservations".

It comes after the former American President said the Duke could face consequences if he lied about taking drugs on his US visa application, during an interview with GB News presenter Nigel Farage.

Asked if Harry should have "special privileges" if he is found to have lied in his application, Mr Trump said: "No. We'll have to see if they know something about the drugs, and if he lied they'll have to take appropriate action."

However, Mr Trump refused to be drawn on whether Harry could be forced to leave the US, where he currently lives with his wife and children.


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Meghan Markle's lifestyle brand set to rake in millions of pounds due to her key strength

When Meghan Markle wears an item of clothing or shows interest in a product, the seller may see a spike in sales, referred to as The Meghan Effect.

One royal expert believes it’s because “a little of her magic rubs off on the product or brand.”

Meghan recently launched a lifestyle blog called American Riviera Orchard, and The Meghan Effect may be about to happen again, says Dr Pauline Maclaran, professor at Royal Holloway and author of Royal Fever: The British Monarchy in Consumer Culture.

Daily Express US spoke to Professor Maclaran about the consumer phenomenon. She explained: “So whatever she wears or approves of (like paintings) signals to people that this is a stylish choice.

“A little of her magic rubs off on the product or brand in other words and makes it more desirable.”

It’s being predicted, once the blog goes live and is actively updated, Meghan will bring in six figures in the first few weeks.


Why Meghan Markle won't be in Suits spin-off as filming gets underway soon

Meghan Markle has reportedly not been invited back to the world of Suits as paralegal Rachel Zane.

The upcoming offshoot, Suits LA, will start shooting a pilot in April, according to star Lex Scott Davis.

It will follow a brand-new set of characters, led by former New York federal prosecutor Ted Black (played by Stephen Amell), who “has reinvented himself representing the most powerful clients in Los Angeles.”

While the LA-set offshoot is confirmed to be set in the same universe as the original USA Network drama, none of the original cast have been confirmed to make a return just yet.

Of course, there’s always the opportunity for guest appearances and cameos, but fans shouldn’t expect Meghan to make an appearance.


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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's stunning mansion has hidden detail missed by fans

A hidden detail in Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's £12 million mansion was overlooked by fans when she revealed a previously unseen corner of their home.

Fans were eager to see inside the mansion after it was revealed that the property used to film their Netflix docu-series Harry and Meghan was actually another property nearby.

Last week, the former Suits star thrilled her followers by giving them an unprecedented glimpse into their mansion, reports the Mirror.

Meghan Markle has given fans a sneak peek into her and Prince Harry's stunning Montecito home in a video to launch her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard.

The Duchess was filmed in various parts of their mansion, including the lush garden where she grows her own fruits and veggies and keeps chickens.

In one part of the video, Meghan is seen wearing a black ballgown, standing at the end of the walkway with their massive garden in the background.

The hanging light and wooden beams in the walkway add a cosy touch to their grand home.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'downgrade' on Royal Family website 'linked to succession'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 'demotion' on the Royal Family's website is reportedly tied to plans for the future of the monarchy, says a Royal expert.

Earlier this week, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex seemed to disappear from the Royal Family website, only to reappear an hour later following a significant online backlash.

The couple were no longer listed separately as working members of the Royal Family, instead being grouped together in a separate section of the site under 'Sussex'.

However, they have since been reinstated under the tab of Members of The Royal Family, which has been chalked up to a "routine update", according to reports.

Discussing the sudden removal and return, author Tom Quinn said: "The changes to the royal family's website could have been designed to extend a subtle olive branch. But this is the opposite and Meghan and Harry's downgrade is definitely linked to the succession planning going on in the face of King Charles' cancer.", reports the Mirror.

He added: "William is at the heart of this planning and he wants it made very clear that his brother will have no part in future plans."

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Meghan Markle's brutal response to Prince Harry after he gushed about her 'model' looks

Meghan Markle voiced some self-doubt after participating in a posh photoshoot for The Cut, but her husband, Prince Harry, came to the rescue offering sweet reassurances.

In 2022 summer, The Cut penned an article on Meghan titled 'Meghan of Montecito', accompanied by chic photos from a close and personal interview at their California residence.

Harry came in during the chat with interviewer Allison P. Davis and Meghan, discussing her photo session for their issue happening just a day before.

The Prince's comment certainly brought smiles all around.

The article shared: "The day before, while Meghan was on the photo shoot for this issue, Harry had been left to his own devices, he tells me. 'You were gone for, like, ten hours yesterday,' he marvels to his wife.", reports the Mirror.

"'Tell her the first thing you said when you got back last night,' he says, turning to me. 'She said, 'I'm not a model.' 'I was like, 'No, you are, of course you can be a model.' And she's like, 'I'm a mom! ' And it's like, 'You can be both,' Harry says, earning himself so many points."

Markle and Prince Harry 'won't be able to relaunch brand in UK' due to PRs's reluctance

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry may find it tough to re-establish their Sussex brand in the UK, as PR experts are reportedly "unwilling" to work with them, says an industry insider.

The pair, who stepped down from Royal duties in 2020, are believed to be planning a comeback in the UK, hoping to mend their relationship with the Royal Family. But coming back to the UK four years after leaving isn't without its challenges, including regaining public favour.

The couple's popularity has taken a hit recently, with a new poll showing that only 11% of respondents named Prince Harry as their favourite royal, while Meghan Markle received just 7% of the votes.

Speaking to The Mirror, PR and crisis expert Carla Speight said: "There have been many PR experts out there claiming that no one would willingly take on their brand.

"All is not lost for the couple, despite a rough few years, they still have many supporters out there and the public is growing tired of the constant bashing they are getting.

"They don't need a rebrand, they need to refocus the attention on what good they do."

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Shocking list of most popular royals in 2018 shows how much times have changed

The Royal Family has been engulfed in several scandals and dramas through the years and the public's perception of them has changed quite dramatically, according to the latest figures.

Just in the last six years, the world saw three big royal weddings, the death of the UK's longest-serving monarch, the departure of three senior working royals, the King's shock cancer diagnosis and Kate, the Princess of Wales temporarily stepping back from official royal duties after undergoing planned abdominal surgery back in January.

Meanwhile the breakdown of Prince Harry's relationship with his family and his departure from the Firm - and subsequent move to the US with wife Meghan Markle after which they unleashed a series of explosive claims against the royals - has contributed to the public's changed perception of them.

Here, takes a look at how the Royal Family's popularity in Britain has changed in the last six years.


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King Charles urged to make plea to Prince Harry to help solve royal crisis

King Charles has been urged to reach out to Prince Harry as the Royal Family faces its biggest crisis for decades, according to an expert.

Grant Harrold worked as a royal butler for Charles and Queen Camilla between 2004 and 2011 and believes the monarchy is currently experiencing "an absolute constitutional disaster" and says he cannot remember a "situation this bad".

The number of senior working royals is lacking as the King and Princess Kate remain off-duty due to health issues, with Camilla left to hold the fort as well as other relatively elderly members of the family.

Harry and Meghan Markle remain estranged from the Firm on the other side of the Atlantic, but Mr Harrold hopes this could change if Charles "bites the bullet" and speaks to his son.

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, Mr Harrold explained: "How do I see it all fixed? Right now, I have absolutely no idea. Part of me is thinking, will they bite the bullet and say to Harry, 'We need you to come back to help your brother with undertaking duties again?'"


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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry handed olive branch by royals

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been handed an olive branch by the royals amid speculation of a UK return.

The official website for the Royal Family still includes a tab dedicated to Harry and Meghan - despite them stepping down as senior working royals at the start of 2020.

As well as paragraphs about the couple, and a photograph of each of them, a link to the couple's new website is also found and highlights where to find "information about their current work". was launched just last month, just days after the King's cancer diagnosis was revealed to the world.

The couple have since been criticised for incorporating 'Sussex' into their new website, with one insider telling the Mail that they'll "have trouble with the use of Sussex".


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 'desperate bid' to make themselves known to Netflix

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are keen to remind Netflix that they are still here, a royal commentator has claimed, with discussions around Princess Kate's health still dominating the conversation.

Recently the Duchess of Sussex has announced her new lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard and her new podcast deal with Lemonada Media, while Harry has made it clear he has more plans to see his family in the UK.

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams spoke to GB News and suggested part of the motivation behind this may be to get the attention of the streaming giant, with their deal due to expire next year.

He said: "I think the Sussexes specifically included these announcements to underline the fact they’re still around. Of course, Netflix is their big contract.

"In 2021, the couple were in the top 100 people in Time Magazine, but now they wouldn’t be in it because they have not done much."


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Anna Wintour's simple two-word response to Meghan Markle's wedding dress exposed

When Meghan Markle married Prince Harry in May 2018, she wore a beautiful dress designed by Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy.

This dress was different from those worn by other Royal brides because it didn't have any lace or fancy details.

But Anna Wintour, the editor of American Vogue, thought Meghan looked "fantastic" in her "sophisticated" dress.

Speaking about Meghan's wedding dress, Anna said: "It was sophisticated, it was chic, it was grown-up.


Prince Harry and Meghan's 4-word warning if they ever want a UK return

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been warned to "stay away from Hollywood" if they ever want to find their way back to a life in the UK, according to a PR expert.

Alongside their deals with entertainment giants such as Netflix, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have also lent their support to many philanthropic causes through their Archewell Foundation.

Now PR guru Carla Speight has said that this should be the focus of their work, as she told Closer: "Harry and Meghan need to stay away from the Hollywood limelight and avoid the British celebrity circuit.

"They need to focus on the kind of humanitarian work that seems to get overshadowed by all the tabloid gossip and drama that is always revolving around them.

"They still perform duties as if they were royals, they still promote and support a lot of charities, as they would do if they were in The Firm."

Last week Meghan revealed her new lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard, just weeks after it was announced that she had signed a new podcast deal with Lemonada Media.


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Good afternoon

Good afternoon from London. I’m Aurora Bosotti, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Suits spin-off confirmed as Meghan Markle and original cast miss out on roles

A spin-off of Suits is in the works - however Meghan Markle will reportedly have no part in it.

Meghan played Rachel Zane in the hit US legal drama for seven seasons before leaving to marry Prince Harry.

The programme's official X account confirmed the spin-off news by reposting an article from Variety that was published in February. It announced Suits: LA had received a pilot order.

"We are so back," the Suits account commented on the post, which seems to imply the pilot was a success and the series has been greenlit. This is despite the fact that filming was only supposed to begin on the project later this month.

However, according the article, neither Meghan, nor the rest of the original cast, will be involved, as they have not been invited back.

Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane in Suits

Meghan Markle played Rachel Zane in Suits for seven seasons (Image: Ian Watson/USA Network/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images)

Key reason Meghan Markle didn't include her name when launching new lifestyle brand

Meghan Markle chose to omit her name from her new lifestyle brand because of her declining popularity in the US, a PR expert has claimed.

The Duchess of Sussex has launched a new Instagram page for 'American Riviera Orchard', which included a trailer showing her baking and arranging flowers

Meghan's new venture will reportedly focus on cooking, home essentials, and gardening among other things. She is also set to star in a Netflix cooking show to help promote her new brand.

The name 'American Riviera Orchard' – a nod to her home in Santa Barbara, California – has raised eyebrows among observers.

Sean O'Meara, the founder of the Essential Content PR business, has explained why he believes Meghan did not include her name.

Meghan Markle's true feelings on American Riviera Orchard launch revealed after backlash

The Duchess of Sussex's true feelings about her new lifestyle brand's name have been revealed by a source close to her.

Last week, Meghan unveiled 'American Riviera Orchard' with a new Instagram page. There will also be a cooking show featuring the former actress that will be released on Netflix in the future.

The name of the new lifestyle brand has received mixed reviews. Former Dragons Den star Duncan Bannatyne branded the name "nonsensical", while some royal watchers have called it "pretentious."

But a source close to Meghan says the Duchess believes the name is "authentic."

meghan markle lifestyle brand

Meghan Markle's true feelings about her new lifestyle brand's name have been revealed (Image: GETTY)

Meghan Markle was 'hysterical' after breaking Prince Harry's strict orders in interview

Prince Harry gave the Duchess of Sussex strict rules about what she could discuss in a high-profile interview, a royal biographer has claimed.

Before the couple became engaged, Meghan was offered the chance to grace the cover of Vanity Fair and give an interview in September 2017.

The main focus was meant to be on her mixed-race heritage and her role in the hit US legal drama Suits. However, it has been claimed Harry took extra measures to make sure certain boundaries weren't crossed.

Donald Trump accuses Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of 'breaking' Queen's heart

The former US president has claimed the Duke and Sussex "broke Queen Elizabeth’s heart" with "horrible" claims they made about the Royal Family.

Trump spoke to Nigel Farage in a sit-down interview on GB News, which included his thoughts on Harry and Meghan.

He said: "I would say, although she wouldn’t show it because she was strong and smart, but I would imagine they broke her heart.

"The things that they were saying were so bad and so horrible, and she was in her nineties hearing this stuff. I think they broke her heart."

queen meghan markle prince harry

Donald Trump claimed Meghan and Harry 'broke Queen Elizabeth's heart' (Image: GETTY)

Meghan Markle secretly plotting UK return after big brand relaunch, says expert

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could be planning to relaunch themselves in the UK as they continue to make 2024 a year of fresh starts for them, according to a royal expert

So far in 2024, Meghan has signed a new podcast deal with Lemonada Media and Harry appears to have taken steps to repair his relationship with the Royal Family.

Last week, Meghan announced her new lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard.

The couple are now reportedly looking for new PR representation in the UK, with one royal expert explaining why they have chosen now to make their comeback and how it may coincide with the Duchess of Sussex's new brand.

Donald Trump threatens to deport Prince Harry for taking drugs amid visa battle

Donald Trump has hinted he could deport the Duke of Sussex should he be elected back into the White House later this year, as the royal's visa struggles mount.

Trump claimed if Harry is discovered to have lied on his visa application regarding his drug use, he will not get any "special treatment".

In his memoir Spare, the duke admitted to past drug use before entering the US, which is typically grounds to reject a visa application.

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Donald Trump has once again taken aim at Prince Harry (Image: GETTY)

Good morning

Good morning from London. I'm Matthew Dooley and I'll be bringing you the latest on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle this morning along with my colleague Paul Withers.

Please feel free to get in touch with us at or with tips, comments or stories.

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