If Harry and Meghan want another UK property ‘they can buy it themselves’ – YOUR VIEW

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have returned the keys to Frogmore Cottage but Express.co.uk readers do not think they should be given another UK home.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Frogmore Cottage: Harry and Meghan asked to 'vacate' UK home

and moved the last of their belongings out of last week, with their remaining possessions shipped out to their home in Montecito, California.

The King asked the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to vacate their Grade II listed property on the Windsor Estate just weeks after Harry’s memoir Spare was published.

The five-bedroom cottage was gifted to the couple by Queen Elizabeth II after their wedding, and was home for the young family in 2019 before they stepped down from the Firm and chose to relocate to the US.

The Sun reports that the couple would need to reach a “private agreement” with the King if they wanted to stay in any royal homes again.

The loss of their last remaining foothold in the UK means that future visits may be more difficult, as they may have to rely on hotels or friends, and do not think they should be given another property.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

A staggering 96 percent of readers opposed Harry and Meghan being given a new UK home (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 2.15pm on Friday, June 30 to 2.30pm on Monday, July 3, : “Should Charles give Harry and Meghan a new UK home for visits?”

Overall, 15,147 votes were received with the overwhelming majority, 96 percent (14,490 people) answering “no” they should not be given a new home. Whereas four percent (612 people) said “yes” and a further 45 people said they did not know.

as readers discussed whether the couple should be given another property.

Frogmore Cottage

Harry and Meghan eturned the keys to Frogmore Cottage last week (Image: Getty)

The predominant view shared by readers was against the King giving Harry and Meghan a new UK home. Username commenteight remarked: “Why give them another home that’ll stand empty for 360 days a year? Let them stay in a hotel.”

Similarly, username bokatankryze said: “Why should the Sussex’s get a British Crown Estate property, let them buy themselves a home or go into a hotel like most people do.”

Username Redhill Man agreed that the couple should buy their own property, writing: “They are both old enough and rich enough to buy their own home if so wanted.”

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Prince Harry UK trips timeline

Future visits to the UK may be more difficult for the couple (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Other readers argued they should be offered the use of rooms in a royal apartment on future visits to the UK. Username Vixenbiker said: “Surely there is a room or two available within the many Crown properties.”

Likewise, username tt55 said: “No! King Charles should not give them a new home for UK visits, he should give them the use of an apartment of his choice…perhaps in Kensington Palace.”

While some commented that should Charles wish to give his son a UK residence it should not be from the Crown Estate and instead funded personally. Username Claremont77 said: “They certainly should not ever be given one owned by the state. If Charles wants to give him one he personally owns, then that is his folly.”

And username grimesrick added: “If Charles funds it from his own pocket and not one penny from mine he can do as he pleases.”

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