Prince Andrew's Garter Day snub is final nail in coffin for potential royal return

A new poll has revealed that more than four in five readers think there is no way back for the Duke of York after Garter Day ban.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Prince Andrew at Coronation

A staggering 88 percent of readers think there is no way back for Prince Andrew (Image: Getty)

did not attend the annual procession on Monday, June 19, missing out on celebrating the historic event for the second year in a row.

The ceremony at Windsor Castle brings together the , Knights Companions and officers of the Order to celebrate the oldest Order of Chivalry in the country, which Andrew has been a member of since 2006. According to one royal commentator, the Duke of York is “probably very, very depressed” about being banned from taking part.

Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine : “He’s never known anything else except military and royal and he’s not adaptable, he’s not popular, and therefore hasn’t been able to find anything else in his life as far as we know.

“I do feel he’s completely lost and I’m sure he’s probably very, very depressed, especially seeing all his family riding at Trooping on Saturday when only a few years before he was doing the same thing.”

A has revealed that there is no way back to the royal fold for the disgraced prince who was forced to step down from his royal duties in 2019.

READ MORE: Royals want York family to 'stay under the radar' after Andrew embarassment

In a poll that ran from 11am on Monday, June 19, to midday on Thursday, June 22, : “Is there any way back for Prince Andrew after Garter Day ban?”

A total of 1,635 readers responded with the overwhelming majority of readers, 88 percent (1,440 people) answering “no” he cannot make a comeback, Whereas 10 percent (167 people) who said “yes” and a further two percent (28 people) said they did not know.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

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Prince Andrew at Garter Day in 2019

Prince Andrew missed Garter Day for the second year in a row (Image: Getty)

The predominant argument was against Andrew making a comeback, with username DeltaLady declaring that he “most definitely” cannot return to the royal fold.

Username UKPatriot remarked: “The Royal Family has to have respectability. Andrew has lost any vestige of respectability and would only decrease respect for the Royal Family if he were given approval to officially be part of it.”

Likewise, username alwaysthetruth wrote: “No, why would anyone want anything to do with him.”

However, a minority of readers argued that Andrew was being treated unfairly and that he should be allowed back to his royal duties. Username ailsacraig commented that Andrew “is being overly punished”.

And username norika added: “I wish King Charles would show his good sense and pardon his poor brother.”

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