‘No way back’ for Meghan and Harry’s relationship with the Royal Family – YOUR VIEW

A new Express.co.uk poll has shown the majority of readers agree that there is "no coming back" for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's relationship with the Firm.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Prince Harry and Meghan ‘selfish on every decision’ says Kelly

will be reunited with the at the next month, but a broadcaster has claimed that the rift between the Firm and the Duke and is “too far gone” for reconciliation — a view shared by 96 percent of Express.co.uk readers, a has shown.

Meghan and Harry in Windsor

A staggering 96 percent of readers think Meghan and Harry's rift with Royal Family is 'too far gone' (Image: Chris Jackson/Getty)

A new royal book has given insight into the “deep mistrust” and strained relations and had with the before they stepped down as senior royals three years ago.

Robert Jobson's book, Our King: Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed, serialised in the Daily Mail, claims that had her residence “swept for bugs” as she was "so concerned" about privacy ahead of the Sandringham summit where the couple’s future in the Firm was discussed.

broadcaster Esther Krakue discussed the couple’s relationship with the Royal Family, telling Sky News Australia host Caroline Di Russo: “I think, that the relationship is just too far gone. I think this level of mistrust just demonstrates how there's no coming back from that.”

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry 'too far gone' for reconciliation, claims expert

In a poll that ran from 4pm on Tuesday, April 11, to 3.45pm on Tuesday, April 18, : “Is and 's rift with 'too far gone' for reconciliation?”

Overall, 4,301 readers responded, with the overwhelming majority, 96 percent (4,149 people) answering, “yes”, the royal rift cannot be reconciled. A further two percent (105 people) said, “no”, it is not, and just 47 people said they did not know.

In the comments left below the accompanying article, .

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King Charles III in Germany

Harry will travel to the UK for King Charles III's Coronation on May 6 (Image: Getty)

Megxit timeline

Meghan and Harry stepped down from the Royal Family in 2020 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

The predominant view among readers was that the rift was too deep for reconciliation, with username cjcc writing: “I think it's too late and too much damage done.”

Similarly, username canyouseeit remarked that there was “no way back” for the couple.

Meanwhile, other readers commented that and 's relationship with the British public was also irreparable. Username Damili said: “I don’t know about the but there is no coming back in the view of the sensible people of Great Britain and the .”

Another, username Rex_N added: “ may be far more forgiving towards his son than we [the public] are.”

Ahead of confirming his attendance at the , reportedly held peace talks with his father. A friend of and told The Telegraph that “positive conversations” had occurred.

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