POLL: Is Meghan and Harry's rift with Royal Family ‘too far gone' for reconciliation?

"There is no coming back" for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's relationship with the Royal Family after a slew of revelations, according to one broadcaster following the publication of a new royal book.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Royal expert warns 'crisis is brewing' for monarchy due to Prince Harry and Oprah interview

and stepped back from their roles as senior members of the three years ago. Now, one broadcaster has claimed that the rift between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Firm is “too far gone” for reconciliation, but do you agree? Vote in our poll.

King Charles III, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

POLL: Is Meghan and Harry's rift with Royal Family ‘too far gone' for reconciliation? (Image: Getty and Samir Hussein/Getty)

In a new book, Our King: Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed, serialised in the Daily Mail, author Robert Jobson highlights the “deep mistrust” in the couple’s relationship with the .

Mr Jobson claims that had her residence “swept for bugs” as she was "so concerned" about privacy ahead of the Sandringham summit where the Sussexes’ future was discussed.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry 'too far gone' for reconciliation, claims expert

Speaking about the couple’s relationship with the Royal Family, broadcaster Esther Krakue said: “It shows that the mistrust went both ways.

She told Sky News Australia host Caroline Di Russo: “Up until this point we had the Sussexes deeply mistrust[ing] members of their own family, they accused them of leaking negative stories to the press...it just shows how deep the rift was and how deeply they mistrusted each other.”

She continued: “For the to have her library swept of any bugs just shows how low her opinion of the couple was. She also mentioned that during the summit there was no need for to be there and could represent the both of them.”

Ms Krakue added: “It just shows, I think, that the relationship is just too far gone. I think this level of mistrust just demonstrates how there's no coming back from that.

“In the book, Prince William and decided they're never going to meet them on a one-to-one basis, they really don't trust them.”

So what do YOU think? Is and 's rift with “too far gone” for reconciliation? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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