POLL: Should a law be passed to strip Harry and Meghan of Sussex titles?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be stripped of their royal titles by the introduction of a new bill in Parliament.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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and retained their Duke and Duchess of Sussex titles when they stepped down from the three years ago, despite losing their HRH status. A Conservative MP is set to introduce a bill to remove their titles. But do you support this? Vote in our poll.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Invictus Games

(Image: Getty)

The couple were given the Sussex dukedom on their wedding day by and despite having the powers to bestow such titles, only Parliament can revoke them. Tory MP for the Isle of Wight, Bob Seely, is planning to bring forward legislation to achieve this.

Mr Seely has previously criticised the Sussexes, accusing Harry of attacking important British institutions “as well as trashing his family and monetising his misery for public consumption”. He wrote on Twitter in December: “Harry Windsor should voluntarily relinquish his titles. If he doesn’t, Parliament should act to remove them. If Harry Windsor doesn’t like the monarchy, don’t be part of it, but don’t use your titles AND trash the institution.”

READ MORE: Prince Harry and Meghan set for Sussex title challenge in weeks

Royal commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti claimed Mr Seely told him that the Bill needs to be drafted and should be expected sometime in mid-February. He told Fox News: “Seely plans to introduce a private member's bill that would allow a vote to amend the 1917 Titles Deprivation Act, which was used to strip the German royal family of their UK titles during the First World War.

“That level of treachery was seen as cause to remove royal titles back then, so it’s striking that a serving MP now feels so strongly about the actions of Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, that he wants to use the same law to strip them of their titles.”

So what do YOU think? Should a law be passed to strip Harry and Meghan of their Sussex dukedom? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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