Royal Family praised for keeping ‘dignified’ silence over Harry and Meghan claims

The Royal Family has not responded to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's Netflix docuseries Harry & Meghan, choosing to keep their silence and uphold their "never complain, never explain" motto.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Royal expert on Harry and Meghan omission from King's speech

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle released their Netflix docuseries earlier this month, making a series of revelations about their life in the Firm and how they were treated. The Royal Family has not issued a statement or publicly spoken about the claims raised by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in their six-part series. The Firm’s response has been praised by readers, with over three-quarters supporting their silence, a new poll has found.

John Goodman, CEO of John Goodman PR, told Forbes after the release of the first three episodes that silence is “probably the correct reaction” from the Firm. He explained: “Any comment from the Palace would just exacerbate the situation and call more attention to the film and Harry and Meghan’s charges against the Royal Family. 

“Preserving the institution and the crown is more important to King Charles and Prince William than addressing the accusations, which may or may not be true.”

King Charles III has also been warned that he will be in “real trouble” if he fails to contain the fallout of the allegations made by Harry and Meghan against the Royal Family. Royal author Christopher Andersen claimed that revelations towards the Prince of Wales’ aides could be interpreted as attacks on the monarchy.

Mr Andersen told Royally US: “I think any attack on William is going to be seen, because William is the heir, as an attack on the monarchy, an attack on Charles. And Charles is the person who's got to keep this whole thing together.

“If this dog and pony show known as the monarchy is going to continue to thrive it's only going to be because of Charles' ability to navigate all of it. If he can't, I think they're in real trouble and it's very, very damaging to the reputation of the monarchy.”

READ MORE: King facing 'trouble' as he navigates future after Sussex criticism

King Charles III, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Should the Royal Family speak out in response to Harry and Meghan claims? – YOU VOTED (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 12.15pm on Wednesday, December 21, to 9am on Thursday, December 29, asked readers: “Should the Royal Family speak out in response to Harry and Meghan claims?”

A total of 8,775 readers cast their votes with the majority, 78 percent (6,877 people), answering “no” they should keep their silence.

Meanwhile, 20 percent (1,769 people) said “yes” they should speak out, and a further two percent (129 people) said they did not know either way.

In the hundreds of comments left below the accompanying article readers shared their thoughts on how the Royal Family should respond.

Most readers thought that the Royal Family were right not to speak out about Harry and Meghan, with username Brenno writing: “The Royal Family don't need to break their silence. It's dignified and fitting.”

Username Michael R said: “The Royal family should not give them any importance. Complete silence will put them in their place.”

Another, username  MaggieTheCat said: “The Royal Family should keep their dignity and ignore them.”

While username vicnkaz added: “No they should not get involved.”

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Harry and Meghan in New York

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle released their Netflix docuseries earlier this month (Image: Getty)

Still of Harry and Meghan in Netflix show

Harry and Meghan opened up about their life in the Firm during their six-part docuseries (Image: Netflix)

Meghan Markle accused of 'projecting disdain' for UK and 'openly mocking' British people

Meghan Markle has been accused of "projecting disdain" for the UK and "openly mocking" British people during her bombshell Netflix documentary series. During one of the earlier episodes, Meghan joked about having to curtsey to the late Queen after Prince Harry recounted the conversation he had with his wife when he first introduced her to Her Majesty.

Find out more HERE.

Some readers praised the Firm for their silence, with username poppy22 describing it as “golden”.

Likewise, username Bogstandard46 said: “The power of silence is deafening, the Royal Family don’t need to reply.”

Username Is it jist me? wrote: “No response is an appropriate response. Silence sometimes conveys more than words can.”

And username loarkie said: “Silence is golden. Keep quiet. Very very quiet…”

Harry and Meghan at Platinum Jubilee

The Royal Family has not responded to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s claims (Image: Samir Hussein/Getty)

Harry and Meghan timeline

Harry and Meghan stepped down as senior royals in 2020 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Others referenced the Firm’s mantra “never complain, never explain” in their comments, suggesting that the decision to remain silent satisfies this tight-lipped approach to public life.

However, some argued the Royal Family needed to speak out in the future. Username alexa10 explained: “Eventually something will have to be said if this nonsense continues!”

Username iandun said: “The Palace could respond in depth on a couple of the accusations.”

While username seashore girl said: “In less than three weeks, Harry’s book will be available. I think that King Charles wants a look at that first before making any decisions regarding the pair.”

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