Prince Harry dealt hammer blow as Old Etonian Lord turns on Duke adding 'insult to injury'

On Monday, the House of Lords heard calls by one Labour peer to exclude Prince Harry and other non-working royals from the pool of people King Charles can choose from to stand in for him in case of illness or absence from the country.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Prince Harry 'offended' by King Charles role snub says host

Prince Harry and Prince Andrew are facing being removed from the list of royals eligible to stand in for King Charles III as Counsellors of State following an amendment put forward by Labour peer Lord Berkeley. Anthony Gueterbock, 18th Baron Berkeley, commonly known as Tony Berkeley, agreed with the core of the Bill, which would see two more members of the Firm - Princess Anne and Prince Edward - added to the pool of royals the monarch can choose from when he needs two people to deputise for him in case of absence from the country or illness.

However, during the second reading of the Counsellors of State Bill, he also proposed the Dukes of York and Sussex and "any other person who in the opinion of the Lord Chancellor has not in the immediately preceding two years taken royal duties on a regular basis" should be excluded from the role.

He said: "It is very necessary to ensure that the machinery of Government continues when the monarch is abroad or indisposed."

Questioning the position of non-working royals possibly taking on the post of Counsellors, he added: "In terms of this Bill, it quite rightly adds two more members, so presumably it can also exclude two members, who I would suggest are no longer working members."

Lord Berkeley had already expressed his doubts over Harry and Andrew retaining the title of Counsellors of State despite no longer being senior members of the Firm who carry out public duties.

Prince Harry looking sombre

Prince Harry is currently one of the Counsellors of State (Image: GETTY)

Prince Edward and Princess Anne smiling

Prince Edward and Princess Anne will likely be added as Counsellors of State with the new Bill (Image: GETTY)

Royal POLL: Do you support blocking of Andrew and Harry as royal stand-ins?

Buckingham Palace has said that only working members of the family will be expected to act as Counsellors of State.

This means that Prince Andrew and Prince Harry will no longer be able to deputise in King Charles III’s absence, due to ill health or while he is abroad. But do you support this move?

During a previous debate of the bill in the House of Lords last week, the peer said: "What is the position of Prince Andrew and Prince Harry, who no longer have the role to do royal duties?

"Can they be removed or have they been removed or will they be standing in for His Majesty even though they don't do royal duties?"

Lord Berkeley's position adds "insult to injury" in particular for Prince Harry, commentator Richard Eden said, noting both the Labour peer and the Duke of Sussex attended the same school.

He wrote in the Daily Mail: "It will add insult to injury for Prince Harry that the peer who put forward an amendment at the House of Lords yesterday, trying to prevent him from ever representing the King as a Counsellor of State, was a fellow Old Etonian." 

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King Charles wearing a blue suit and tie

King Charles can deploy two or more Counsellors of State to perform duties if ill or abroad (Image: GETTY)

During the debate on Monday, another peer, Lord Pannick, described as "curious" the decision not to exclude Andrew and Harry from the list of possible Counsellors.

Using a football metaphor, he said: "It is a curious feature of this Bill to retain two people on the team sheet who are not going to play any part in the match, but of course I understand why that is."

He then called on the Government to undertake a review of the existing arrangements to "see whether they are appropriate for the modern world".

The Bill was described on Monday by Lord True, the Lord Privy Seal, a "practical solution" necessary for the "machinery of government". 


Prince William, Prince Harry and Prince Andrew wearing their uniforms

Prince William, Prince Harry and Prince Andrew currently are three of the five Counsellors of State (Image: GETTY)

He added the Royal Household had confirmed that in practice - de facto excluding Prince Harry, Prince Andrew and Princess Beatrice.

Speaking to the upper house in Parliament, Lord True said: "The functions Counsellors of State undertake can include, for example, indicating assent to legislation, formally approving appointments, and providing authority for the affixing of the Great Seal to documents, such as royal proclamations. The role can also include convening Privy Council meetings where necessary.

"The Bill represents a practical solution and safeguard to ensure that the machinery of Government can continue.

"The Royal Household has confirmed that, in practice, working members – I repeat that – of the Royal Family will be called upon to act as Counsellors of State, and that diaries will be arranged to make this practicable."

Prince Harry at Eton

Prince Harry attended Eton (Image: GETTY)

The Earl of Wessex and the Princess Royal, he added, would undertake these roles of Counsellors for their lifetime, no matter which changes in the line of succession to the throne may take place.

He added: "By doing so, the Bill will provide greater resilience in our constitutional arrangements by widening the pool of Counsellors of State."

In accordance with the current law in place - the Regent Act 1917 and 1953 - the position of Counsellor of State can be filled by the Sovereign's spouse and the next four people in the line of succession who are over the age of 21.

Whenever needed by the monarch, two or more Counsellors can be drafted via Letters Patent to perform certain Constitutional duties.

The late Queen Elizabeth II did so in May, when she was unable to attend the State Opening of Parliament.

Currently, the Counsellors of State are Queen Camilla, Prince William, Prince Andrew, Prince Harry and Princess Beatrice.

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