King Charles III warned against compromising ‘pomp and pageantry’ of coronation

A new poll of readers shows support for a scaled-back coronation but do not want it to comprise the event.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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King Charles III’s plans for a scaled-back coronation have been strongly supported by readers, a new poll has found. The new monarch reportedly wishes to “avoid extravagance while ordinary people struggle with the cost of living crisis”, according to The Independent. The King is keen to “demonstrate his understanding of the problems facing ordinary members of the public [with a] relatively modest ceremony”.

Last week, The Telegraph reported that he would like a low-carbon coronation, and Commonwealth leaders could be told not to attend to reduce international travel.

Achieving this will be a “balancing act” between keeping carbon footprint down and adhering to protocol, according to royal sources.

Another source told the publication: “The coronation will happen less than a year after the Queen’s funeral, so the message that may well be sent out is that ‘we’ve seen you all quite recently, so don’t feel obliged to go to the trouble of coming all this way again so soon’.”

They added: “The King, as well as his religious and state advisers, will be very aware that the coronation will be coming off the back of a very difficult winter for people and they will not want the event to be discordant with the mood of the nation.

“The King is by nature quite a frugal person whenever he is able to be and I would expect he will want the coronation to focus more on the spiritual elements than the more showy parts.”

King Charles III and Crown of Jewels

King Charles III’s plans for a scaled-back coronation (Image: Getty)

Poll result pie chart readers support a scaled-back coronation (Image:

In response, ran a poll from 1pm on Sunday, September 25, to midday on Friday, September 30, asking readers: “Do you support Charles’ plans for a scaled-back coronation?” 

Overall, 11,437 people responded with the overwhelming majority, 83 percent (9,538 people) answering “yes”, in favour of a scaled-back coronation.

Whereas 15 percent (1,697 people) said “no”, and a further two percent (202 people) said they did not know.

Readers discussed Charles’ coronation in the dozens of comments left below the accompanying article.

Many were supportive of the King’s decision in respect of the cost of living crisis facing Britain.

Username House of Windsor said: “The fact that King Charles wants a slimmed down Monarchy and simple coronation which is relatively inexpensive shows that he is sensitive to this country's economic situation and I admire and respect his views.”

Username Deb424 said: “King Charles III is showing strength, common sense, and consideration of the Crown and the people.”

And username UKGB wrote: “I can understand why, with so many people facing such hardship over the next year.”

Oldest royals to become monarchs

King Charles III is 73 years old (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

However, the majority still wanted to see the Royal Family host an event with “pomp and ceremony”.

Username Tootlingalong said: “I agree to curtail 8,000 attendees but the pomp and ceremony is part and parcel of taking the crown. We don't do it every day and after the Queen's funeral and all the pomp, it was an amazing sight to see.”

Username Goldielover said: “I'm a bit torn. I understand why he wants this given the current economic climate, but admit I'd love to see the full display of pomp and ceremony too. 

“It's not been done in seventy years and for most it will be their first chance, and maybe their only chance, to see it.”


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Queen Elizabeth II coronation

Queen Elizabeth II's coronation took place on June 2, 1953 (Image: Getty)

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Codenamed Operation Golden Orb, Charles' coronation has been in the planning stage for many years. Now following the Queen's death, plans will be firmed up for the ceremony, which will also see Camilla crowned Queen Consort.

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Another, username Brit In Dublin said: “I love to see the Great British pomp in all its glory.”

And username JanetWCQ1958 said: “Up to a point. However, this will be a massive event which will draw in a huge number of tourists and make a lot of money it cannot be too scaled back as regards the pomp and pageantry which we proved with her Late Majesty’s State Funeral, that we do better than anyone else.”

Meanwhile, some readers argued that the King deserved to have a full coronation, with username Tatiana writing: “King Charles should have a full coronation ceremony.

“It's a brilliant opportunity to celebrate and is an important part of our history and tradition.”

And username Elite said: “No, there should not be a scaled-down coronation – I wasn’t alive when the Queen was coronated and I would like to see the King coronated in full.

“Not only will it boost the economy but it will boost morale as well and give people wonderful memories as it gave those that are still alive and saw the Queen’s coronation.”

Despite being planned for years in advance, it is traditional to wait for a sufficient amount of time after the previous monarch’s death.

This means that Charles’ coronation is likely to take place next spring.

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