Queen's best friend shared incredible details of their bond—'we laughed uncontrollably'

Royal dressmaker Angela Kelly recalled the hilarious story of how the Queen got revenge on her after an April Fools prank during a trip to Australia in 2006.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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’s friend and dresser, Angela Kelly, shared the Queen’s hilarious sense of humour and recalled the pranks they played on each other in her memoir, which received the Queen’s consent. Kelly has been a steadfast member of the royal staff for decades as the Queen’s personal dresser and close confidant, and is often referred to as Her Majesty's best friend. 

The Liverpool-born dressmaker recounted Her Majesty’s sense of humour and playfulness in her 2019 book, The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe. 

Kelly claimed the Queen had “a wicked sense of humour” as she recalled playing an April Fools prank on the sovereign when they found themselves in Australia as part of a royal tour. 

Her Majesty reportedly mentioned the travelling party would likely see laughing kookaburras, a native Australian bird known for its peculiar call which sounds like a laugh. 

Having heard this, Kelly went out and purchased a stuffed kookaburra toy at a market near the Governor’s House where the royal party was staying. 

The dressmaker said she placed the toy in a bird cage on the balcony outside of Her Majesty’s royal suite. When the Queen spotted the toy she exclaimed “It’s a kookaburra!”. 


Angela Kelly and Queen Elizabeth

Angela Kelly has been part of the royal staff since 1994 (Image: GETTY)

Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe

Kelly was responsible for the clothes, jewellery and insignia the Queen wore during engagements (Image: GETTY)

Kelly said she then went to open the cage, against the protests of the Queen who was worried “it will fly away!”.

Desperately trying to hide her laughter, the dressmaker turned around and told a “horrified” Queen that the bird was dead. 

Kelly took the stuffed animal to the Queen, with arms outstretched, but only when the lifeless toy was in Her Majesty’s hands did she realise her dressmaker “had been winding her up”. 

Kelly exclaimed “April Fool!”, but the Queen had already plotted a revenge prank, simply replying: “You’re sacked!”

While her dressmaker "was laughing uncontrollably", the monarch turned to and exclaimed: “Do you know what she has just done to me? Angela has had me!”

Angela Kelly and the Queen at London Fashion Week

Kelly, seated beside Anna Wintour, would often attend events or even go abroad with the Queen (Image: GETTY)

The royal dresser was given permission from the Queen to secure a three-book publishing deal exploring her intimate experiences with the royal family, of which the final book is still to be released. 

A revised version of Kelly’s first book was released earlier this year and included insights on recent events like the COVID-19 lockdowns, Prince Philip's funeral and the planning of the Platinum Jubilee. 

Since 1994, Kelly had been a loyal member of the royal staff where she started as an assistant dresser but slowly moved up the ranks to become Queen Elizabeth’s in-house designer and even volunteered to become part of the HMS Bubble during the first lockdown in 2020.

The small, isolated group of people in the bubble were reportedly the only ones who could see the Queen during the pandemic, and Kelly ultimately became the Queen’s royal hairstylist as well. 


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Westminster Abbey's 2,000-person capacity is expected to be filled to honour Britain's longest-reigning monarch next week.

The event will be one of the largest diplomatic occasions of the century and the guest list is expected to include politicians, world leaders, and European royals.

She wrote in the revised book: "From March 2020 onwards I washed The Queen's hair every week, set and styled it, and even trimmed it when needed. My team named it Kelly's Salon."

Unsurprisingly, Kelly was so anxious about being responsible for the Queen’s royal ‘do that she was shaking while styling Her Majesty’s hair during the first few weeks of lockdown. 

Prior to the lockdown, the dressmaker had only done Her Majesty’s hair a handful of times while on board the Royal Yacht Britannia but wrote that the Queen was happy to advise her on the specific way she put the rollers in. 

Over time the Queen’s requests slowly became more demanding, as Kelly recounted: “I'm sure The Queen thought I was a professional and started shouting at me, 'Don't do that, do it this way. That's right, you've got it, don't change it.'

"I was thinking, goodness me, I need a gin and tonic. So while The Queen was under the dryer I said to her, 'I'm off for a stiff drink because this is so stressful, getting it just right for you.'"

Queen Elizabeth's funeral

Queen Elizabeth's state funeral is the first the UK has seen in decades (Image: EXPRESS)

Hello Magazine reported that royal staff who worked for the monarch usually have a month’s notice after the Queen’s death to find another job or be redeployed to another royal household. 

However, the outlet highlighted that at the age of 64 Kelly will likely choose to retire and focus on her upcoming memoir instead. 

Since Her Majesty’s death earlier this month, Kelly has reportedly kept a low profile and was notably absent when the Queen's coffin arrived for the lying-in-state.

However, the royal dresser was spotted amongst the monarch's ladies in waiting as they entered Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral on September 19. 

The Queen’s state funeral is taking place on Monday, 19 September. The last state funeral held in the UK was for Sir Winston Churchill in 1965. 

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