Doctor highlights tell-tale sign that Queen's death was near during final royal engagement

A DOCTOR has pointed to a tell-tale sign during Her Majesty's final royal engagement which may have pointed to the Queen's death a few days later.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

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Her Majesty died on September 8 at her favourite residence, in Scotland, following a statement from Buckingham Palace which sparked concerns over her health. Her children rushed to Scotland to be by her side, including Prince Charles, who has become King Charles III.

There may have been a telling sign of the Queen's failing health at her final Royal engagement where she met Prime Minister Liz Truss, according to a doctor.

Dr Deb Cohen-Jones, who lives in Perth, Western Australia said the Queen's hands, pictured as she posed with Ms Truss, may have pointed to her declining health.

Dr Cohen-Jones told FEMAIL: "It looks like there is possibly evidence of peripheral vascular disease. It's a blood circulation disorder that causes the blood vessels outside of your heart and brain to narrow, block, or spasm.

"It can sometimes result in heart failure. If your peripheral circulation is that poor, organs aren't receiving a good blood supply. It can be a sign of multi organ failure."

The Queen and Liz Truss shake hands.

A doctor has pointed to a tell tale sign that could have pointed to her failing health. (Image: GETTY)

Queen Elizabeth II smiling.

The Queen is said to have died peacefully September, 8 2022. (Image: GETTY)

The "mottling", or the discolouration, visible on the Queen's hands could have been a sign that blood was no longer flowing effectively, according to Crossroads Hospice.

Dr Cohen-Jones claimed that Her Majesty's condition looked "quite severe" and suggested that she may have been in pain.

However, Buckingham Palace has said that the Queen died peacefully at her Balmoral residence, where her children had come to visit her.

The Palace said: "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.

READ MORE: Queen's poignant last moments with Charles and Anne by her side

The Queen.

The 'mottling' visible on the Queen's hand could have been an indication of failing health. (Image: GETTY)

The Queen at Balmoral.

Balmoral in Scotland is thought to have been the Queen's favourite residence. (Image: GETTY)

"The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow."

Peripheral vascular disease is a progressive disorder which can affect any blood vessels outside of the heart, however those in the legs and feet are most commonly affected.

Age is a significant risk factor for the disease which is more likely to occur in those over the age of 50.

It is unclear how long the Queen's hands appeared "mottling" as she so often wore white gloves.

The fact that she met Prime Minister Liz Truss beaming just days before her death is likely due to her strong disposition and unfaltering sense of duty.

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Flowers outside of Buckingham Palace.

Thousands of mourners paid their respects at Buckingham Palace. (Image: GETTY)

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Pictures from her final royal engagement show the Queen using a walking stick, but smiling, before she asked Liz Truss to become the next Prime Minister of the UK.

Ms Truss said the death of Her Majesty was "a huge shock to the nation and the world".

She added: "It's an extraordinary achievement to have presided with such dignity and grace for 70 years. Her life of service stretched beyond most of our living memories.

"In return she was loved and admired by the people in the United Kingdom and all around the world."

The Prime Minister ended her speech by saying: "God save the King."

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