Prince Harry shares 'great banter' with co-founder of Sussexes' new investment venture

PRINCE HARRY has a "good connection" with one of the co-founders of the investment firm he and Meghan Markle have recently backed, it has been claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Meghan Markle and Harry have 'eye on reputation’ says expert

Prince Harry shares his interests in rugby and the environment with Jay Lipman, the 32-year-old Epsom-born co-founder of the sustainable investment firm Ethic, according to two of the entrepreneur's close relatives. And these shared passions have helped spark "great banter" between the pair, his mother Mayrilyn Lipman, 70, added.

She told the MailOnline: "There's great banter between Jay and Harry because they have very similar interests.

"I wouldn't say they're close friends, but they have a good connection.

"But Jay is very humble, he's not the sort of guy who would brag about it.

"Now that Harry and Meghan are involved people will sit up and take a lot more notice of Ethic."

Ms Lipman said her California-based son was introduced to Meghan and Harry more than one year ago through friends while they were in New York. 

prince harry investment ethic co founder jay lipman meghan markle

Prince Harry has a 'good connection' with one of Ethic's co-founders (Image: GETTY)

prince harry investment ethic co founder jay lipman meghan markle

Prince Harry is one of the Queen's eight grandchildren (Image: GETTY)

Mr Lipman is believed to have since developed a personal and professional relationship with the Duke and Duchess - to the point he even visited them at their mansion in Montecito, Santa Barbara.

The entrepreneur's mother, who described herself as an "ardent royalist", also spoke about her son's background, saying that after moving across the pond he had a successful run at Deutsche Bank in the Big Apple.

However, working in Wall Street was leaving him "disgruntled".

She said: "He was previously working at Deutsche Bank but he hated it and was very disgruntled at the fat cats getting fatter. 

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry to 'appear in TV adverts' in banking deal

prince harry investment ethic co founder jay lipman meghan markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle joined Ethic as 'impact partners' (Image: GETTY)

"He was living in a very lavish apartment in New York and getting paid very well.

"Then one day he told me: 'Mum, I've just handed in my notice. I'm going to San Francisco to do my own start up'.

"He's 10 times happier now because he's doing something that's changing the world for the better. Jay has been wanting to do this for years."

The entrepreneur's brother, 37-year-old Stef, jokingly described Mr Lipman as "a fun-loving hippie banker". 


prince harry investment ethic co founder jay lipman meghan markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the stage of Global Citizen Live last month (Image: GETTY)

prince harry investment ethic co founder jay lipman meghan markle

Prince harry pictured in early 2020 (Image: GETTY)

Recalling their happy childhood, he added: "As kids we were into nature a lot and Jay loved rugby. We were not video games kids.

"We grew up in Epsom and were always out in the woods.

"That's what we enjoyed the most, being in nature and enjoying the environment.

"We always had dogs and cats as pets and if there was an injured bird, Jay and I would want to save it. To be honest, we preferred animals to humans." 

prince harry investment ethic co founder jay lipman meghan markle

Prince Harry's life in pictures (Image: EXPRESS)

After leaving his job in Wall Street and moving to California, Mr Lipman co-founded Ethic with Australians Doug Scott and Johny Mair - who had also previously worked in banking.

The company creates separately managed accounts to invest in social responsibility themes that align with the investors' values and aims at making "capital markets a powerful force for good".

Ethic announced earlier this week Meghan and Harry had joined its ranks as "impact partners".

Speaking about Meghan and Harry, the company's statement read: "With their partnership, our shared vision for a world in which all investing is sustainable investing can reach many millions around the globe."  

prince harry investment ethic co founder jay lipman meghan markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during a visit to New York (Image: GETTY)

In its statement,

Meghan and Harry also commented on their decision to join Ethic.

Speaking about the lack of accessibility in the investment market to the New York Times's Dealbook, Meghan said: "From the world I come from, you don’t talk about investing, right?

"You don’t have the luxury to invest. That sounds so fancy.

"My husband has been saying for years, ‘Gosh, don’t you wish there was a place where if your values were aligned like this, you could put your money to that same sort of thing?"

Explaining this partnership also aims at helping young people make more conscious choices when it comes to invest in companies, Harry said: "You already have the younger generation voting with their dollars and their pounds, you know, all over the world when it comes to brands they select and choose from."   

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