Prince Harry says 'wow' as UK Black Lives Matter hero corrects him during candid interview

PRINCE HARRY has interviewed Patrick Hutchinson, the man who saved a counter-protester during one of the Black Lives Matter marches taking place in London during the summer.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Prince Harry discusses the issue of unconscious racial bias

Prince Harry led a 40-minute long chat with Mr Hutchinson, hailed a hero after he brought Bryn Male, a counter-protester in London's South Bank in June, to safety. The Duke of Sussex briefly introduced Mr Hutchinson before starting to speak about the Black Lives Matter movement, unconscious bias and racism in the UK.  

However, he was caught making a small mistake upon speaking about Mr Hutchinson's personal life. 

Prince Harry said: "I'm just going to dive straight in because everyone around the world – millions, if not hundreds of millions of people – will have seen that photo of you giving the fireman's lift to the guy at the protests in London.

"What people might not know about is who you are.

"So I want to know who you are.

"I know you're a dad. I know you've got two wonderful, wonderful daughters. And you've got grandkids as well. 

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Prince Harry during a 40-minute chat with Patrick Hutchinson (Image: GQ)

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Prince Harry is now based in California (Image: GQ)

"Tell me a bit about your background, who you are, what you live by, what your values are. What kind of person are you?" 

Mr Hutchinson replied: "So yes, I am a father, but I have four children." 

Prince Harry, stunned, replied saying: "Four, wow!" 

This interview was recorded as part of the GQ Heroes conference via video call to connect Mr the personal trainer and activist living in the UK with the Duke of Sussex, now based in California. 

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Prince Harry said he saw Patrick Hutchinson as a 'guardian angel' during the protest in June (Image: GQ)

Their chat focused on the heroic act carried out by Mr Hutchinson in June - and what the fame that hit him afterwards has inspired the activist to do. 

Mr Hutchison was taking part in one of the Black Lives Matter marches in London during the summer when he jumped into a heated encounter between activists and counter-protesters to rescue Mr Male, who appeared to have been injured at his head and unable to leave the dangerous area alone. 

During the chat, Prince Harry describes Mr Hutchinson as a "guardian angel" who selflessly acted during the protests. 

He said: "That moment when you went to London, what made you go?


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Prince Harry opened up about his personal experience with unconscious bias while speaking to Patrick Hutchinson (Image: GQ)

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Prince Harry spoke about unconscious bias (Image: GQ)

"I mean, to me, you seem a form of a guardian angel, that you were there to protect everybody from that red mist that comes in when you're acting as a group against another group.

"That's how it came across to me. But what was the plan?

Mr Hutchinson replied the decision to travel to London to attend the march came after one of his friends saw a policewoman falling off a horse during a clash with young protesters at Whitehall during a previous march. 

The personal trainer said he wanted to take part in the protest as "senior", able to calm down the youngsters whenever they seemed ready to escalate to violence. 

He said: "So we went down there as a group and were really just there to oversee things and make sure that those young protesters didn't do anything they would regret later on.

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Prince Harry remains sixth in line to the throne (Image: EXPRESS)

"That was the main reason. It was a mixture of protesters. They're from all walks of life, all sexes, all colours.

"So it wasn't just us down there protecting the young black protesters.

"It was us protecting everybody and, as it turned out, somebody on the other side.

"Because at the end of the day, at that moment in time you forget anything else and you just want to do what's right for that particular moment."

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Prince Harry and Patrick Hutchinson's chat is part of the GQ Heroes Conference (Image: Matt Sayles and Gavin Bond/GQ)

After becoming an "accidental hero", Mr Hutchinson decided with the friends who were with him at the protest in June to use the platform he was given to do good. 

He founded Utcai – United To Change and Inspire - in a bid to bring people together and overcome injustice and prejudice and champion equality for all. 

Mr Hutchinson told Harry: "And we have various pillars that we are all going to be working in.

"And hopefully we can improve the lives of individuals within our community and those that live with us in our community.

"Because, like I said, this is a class issue too, as well as a race one." 

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