POLL: Should Liz Truss be allowed to appoint resignation honours?

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is facing calls to block his predecessor Liz Truss's nominations to the House of Lords after she spent just 49 days in Downing Street.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Former Prime Minister  intends to appoint four allies to the . Any outgoing, according to reports. Prime Minister can recommend people for honours, but after her do you think Ms Truss should be allowed to? Vote in our poll.

Liz Truss resigns as Prime Minister

POLL: Should Liz Truss be allowed to appoint resignation honours? (Image: Getty)

The Sun has revealed that has nominated four new lifelong members of the , including long-term aide Ruth Porter, campaigner Matthew Elliott and donor Jon Moynihan.

Mark Littlewood, the boss of the Institute of Economic Affairs that backed large parts of the mini-budget and economic policies, will also be made a Lord.

READ MORE: Liz Truss to appoint four new peers to the House of Lords

A spokesperson for said they could not comment on who was among the nominations that have sparked the criticism.

A former advisor to called for her “list of shame should be withdrawn”, telling The Sun it is “a final kick in the stomach to taxpayers who will now fork out millions of pounds in lifetime golden goodbye to donors and failed advisers”.

’s Deputy Leader also described it as a “list of shame” adding that and her supporters “took a wrecking ball to the economy in a disastrous six-week premiership that has left millions facing mortgage misery”.

The ’s Chef Whip Wendy Chamberlain said the move was “truly remarkable” and called for Prime Minister to block the nominations.

She said: “Rishi Sunak must block these honours immediately as allowing to dish out positions of influence shows a stunning lack of humility.”

The Cabinet Office is currently considering nominations put forward by former Prime Minister .

So what do YOU think? Should be allowed to appoint resignation honours? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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