Staggering 91 percent of readers agree Tories have made a ‘terrible mess’ of Brexit

A new poll of readers has shown widespread agreement with Nigel Farage's reflection on the Conservative Party's handling of the UK's exit from the EU.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

GB News: Nigel Farage tears apart David Lammy's speech

Former leader of the Brexit Party, . has slammed the ’s handling of , claiming that Leave voters had “every right” to feel betrayed three years after the UK officially left the EU. A new poll has found a staggering 91 percent of readers agree with Mr Farage that the Tories have made a “terrible mess” of the UK’s withdrawal from the .

Mr Farage reflected on the third anniversary of the UK leaving the EU in an interview with GB News reporter Ben Turner earlier this week that he felt “very disappointed” in the Conservative Party’s handling of Brexit, and claimed they had taken it “for an electoral opportunity”.

He said: “The Conservative Party, who fought against it all the way, then landed us with a very bad deal. Boris Johnson told us it was oven-ready. I mean, the oven wasn't even preheated, frankly, and I just don't think they ever really believed in it.”

He said: “I think people who voted Brexit to get back control of our borders have every right today, three years on, to feel betrayed by this Government.”

The Brexiteer continued: “Having made a terrible mess of it for over three years, Boris Johnson's Government had the world at their feet. They had the chance to bring opportunity and benefit to tens of millions of Britons, and they've dropped the ball.”

READ MORE: Nigel Farage slams Boris Johnson and Tories over Brexit

Theresa May, Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson

Readers overwhelmingly agree with Nigel Farage’s reflection on the Tory's handling of Brexit (Image: Don Arnold/Getty and Getty)

In a poll that ran from 4pm on Thursday, February 2, to 1pm on Friday, February 3, asked readers: “Have the Tories made a ‘terrible mess’ of Brexit?”

Overall, 3,081 votes were cast with the overwhelming majority of readers, 91 percent (2,811 people), answering “yes” in agreement with Mr Farage’s comments.

Whereas eight percent (246 people) said “no” the Tories have not made a “terrible mess” of Brexit, and a further one percent (24 people) said they did not know either way.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the handling of Brexit.

Many were in agreement that the failed to exploit the full potential of . Username Michael Taylor commented: “The problem isn't Brexit. The problem is the Tories and their handling of the freedoms Brexit has given them.”

Likewise, username Michael Taylor said: “The Conservatives could have done a number of things to demonstrate the advantages of Brexit. But no, they chose to do next to nothing.”

Username X11 added: “The Tory Government is the problem. Long live Brexit.”

And username RY28 wrote: “Yes the Tories and made a pig's ear of it, that's why this country desperately needs Nigel Farage to sort out the mess and deliver the Brexit 17.4 million of us voted for.”


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Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage said Leave voters have 'every right' to feel betrayed by the Conservative Party (Image: Getty)

Brexit timeline

The UK voted to leave the EU in June 2016 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

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Guy Verhofstadt has insisted the UK will one day rejoin the European Union. The Belgian MEP lashed out at Brexit, claiming Britain's departure from Brussels was a "con". Mr Verhostadt also branded Brexit as "the elephant in the room of British politics" and a "travesty".

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Username freckles3107 said: “Yes the Tories have made a mess of Brexit.”

Username nonelicencepayer wrote: “They never made a mess, they destroyed it.”

Another, username JohnFoord argued: “It's the civil service that has thwarted every move to gain the Brexit advantages.”

Meanwhile, some readers thought it was not just the Tories at fault. Username britishpudding said: “Brexit was always going to be a mess regardless of which party was in power.”

Boris Johnson after signing Brexit deal

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson signed the UK's Brexit deal (Image: Getty)

Brexit negotiations timeline

The UK marked three years out of the EU earlier this week (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

And username decameron said: “It is a complete disaster, no one can argue against that. But it's not just down to the Tories.”

Other readers commented that Brexit was never going to be a success, with username patriotsagainstbrexit1 writing: “Was never going to work in any form.”

Username skeptiker added: “Yes, but Brexit was always going to be a mess.”

Yet username DaWilko wrote: “They didn't make a mess of Brexit because Boris never delivered it!”

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