POLL: Have the Tories made a ‘terrible mess’ of Brexit?

Nigel Farage has said Leave voters have "every right" to feel betrayed by the Conservative Party's handling of Brexit.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

GB News: Nigel Farage tears apart David Lammy's speech

Britain marked the third anniversary of leaving the this week. In his reflection, former leader of the condemned the ’s handling of , claiming they have made “a terrible mess of it”. But do you agree? Vote in our poll.


Nigel Farage

POLL: Have the Tories made a ‘terrible mess’ of Brexit? (Image: Getty)

Mr Farage spoke with reporter Ben Turner about the UK’s withdrawal from the bloc and said that Leave voters have “every right” to feel betrayed. He said: “The Conservative Party, who fought against it all the way, then landed us with a very bad deal.”

told us it was oven-ready. I mean, the oven wasn't even preheated, frankly, and I just don't think they ever really believed in it.”

READ MORE: Nigel Farage slams Boris Johnson and Tories over Brexit

He continued to say that he felt “very disappointed” by the way the Tories had taken on “for electoral opportunity” and spoke about the issues of border control. He said: “I think people who voted Brexit to get back control of our borders have every right today, three years on, to feel betrayed by this Government.”

He added: “Having made a terrible mess of it for over three years, Boris Johnson's Government had the world at their feet. They had the chance to bring opportunity and benefit to tens of millions of Britons, and they've dropped the ball.”

So what do YOU think? Have the Tories made a ‘terrible mess’ of Brexit? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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