Britons back Boris Johnson to deliver Brexit ‘We have the very best in him!’

BREXIT would not be more successful under a new Prime Minister, a recent poll of readers has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Boris Johnson won a vote of confidence last week but despite his narrow victory – with 41 percent of his party, 148 MPs, voting against him – readers have backed Mr Johnson to make Brexit a success. Readers also do not see Mr Johnson’s reputation following the Partygate scandal as bad for Brexit Britain’s reputation and think he should remain in his role.

Despite this there was still concern that he had not achieved what he pledged, to "get Brexit done".

In a set of polls that ran from 1pm on Thursday, June 9 to midday on Wednesday, June 13, asked whether  Mr Johnson has achieved Brexit, if Mr Johnson was bad for Brexit Britain’s reputation, if a new Prime Minister would be more successful and whether Mr Johnson should resign.

First, asked: “Has Boris Johnson 'got Brexit done'?” A total of 8,836 people cast their votes with the vast majority – 76 percent (6,675 people) – answering “no”, Mr Johnson has not “got Brexit done”.

Meanwhile, 21 percent (1,915 people) said “yes” he has, and three percent (246 people) said they did not know.

Mr Johnson continues to work on “getting Brexit done” with new draft legislation introduced earlier this week to override elements of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

His reputation has been damaged by the Partygate scandal and the Sue Gray report which caused concern among the Conservative Party. 

One Conservative MP and former cabinet minister told CNN: “Ever since he took office, his larger-than-life personality has dominated the political agenda, which is a good thing when the public sees you as funny and affable.” 

They continued: “The problem now is that the country has learned more about what that personality really is, but it's still so huge it dwarfs everything else.”

A current Government minister told CNN: “There's no doubt his image has gone from the happy-go-lucky Brexiteer to a liar who broke the law.”

Boris Johnson

Britons back Boris Johnson to deliver Brexit ‘We have the very best in him!’ (Image: Chris J. Ratcliffe/Bloomberg/Getty)

Then, asked: “Is Boris Johnson bad for Brexit Britain's reputation?” 

Overall, 8,788 people responded and 55 percent (4,836 people) answered “no” he is not while 39 percent (3,395 people) said “yes”, he is. A further six percent (557 people) said they did not know either way.

Mr Johnson’s handling of Brexit has been criticised and a new Prime Minister would allow the UK to reset relations with Brussels and European leaders.

Next, asked: “Do you think Brexit would be more successful with a new PM?”

In total 8,790 people answered with the majority – 58 percent (5,113 people) – responding “no”, Brexit would not be more successful with a new Prime Minister.

In addition, 29 percent (2,558 people) said “yes”, Brexit would be more successful and 13 percent (1,119 people) said they did not know either way.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson won a vote of confidence last week (Image: Anadolu Agency/Getty)

The polls concluded with asking: “Should Boris Johnson resign?”

A total of 8,745 people voted and some 59 percent (5,166 people) said “no”, Mr Johnson should not resign.

A further 36 percent (2,191 people) said “yes”, he should resign while just five percent (388 people) said they did not know.

Hundreds of readers shared their thoughts in the comments below the accompanying article, participating in a lively discussion. 

There was plenty of support for Mr Johnson in the comments with one reader, username toby1941 writing: “We have the very best in Boris.”

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Brexit timeline

Brexit timeline (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Username Waysie said: “Whatever his failings Boris has proved that he is a leader with energy and enthusiasm.  

“His party should now give him support until the next election. He has had a very tough time during his premiership and could get us on track given the opportunity.”

Username Johne wrote: “Stay as long as you can Johnson.”

And username Chris1955 said: “His party should support him and stop playing little children.”

However, others argued that Mr Johnson had failed to deliver Brexit and that a new Prime Minister should take over.

Username PhilCo58 said: “Boris gave us Brexit in name only [BRINO], having had his wake-up call, he either delivers or should go.”

While username LucyLansi said: “Unfortunately, there is not anyone sensible who could deliver Brexit.”

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