New plot to OUST Boris: 'Thousands-strong army' poised to topple PM – Blue Wall to implode

BORIS JOHNSON is facing a Blue Wall nightmare as thousands of people organise to oust him from office.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Thornberry demands Boris Johnson offer Queen his resignation

Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Ed Davey has called on more than 2,500 Liberal Democrat Councillors across the UK to table no-confidence motions in Boris Johnson in response to the "Partygate" scandal. The vote will put pressure on local Conservative councillors to show they no longer support Mr Johnson, amid rising public anger against repeated lockdown breaches in the heart of Downing Street. Sir Ed told “Conservative councillors must make clear where they stand, with Boris Johnson a disgraced Prime Minister, or with local residents who are rightly furious about this scandal.

“We have an army of thousands of Liberal Democrat councillors working hard for their communities.

"They’re listening to local residents who are saying that Boris Johnson must do the right thing and resign.

“Whether in true blue Buckinghamshire, rural Shropshire or anywhere in between, the Liberal Democrats have shown that we can beat the Conservatives in their former heartlands.

"This May, people who are fed up with Boris Johnson have an opportunity.

"If Johnson won’t hand his notice in, they can tell him the party is over by voting Liberal Democrat.”

Boris facing Blue Wall nightmare! Army of 'outraged' voters poised to OUST Prime Minister

Boris facing Blue Wall nightmare! Army of 'outraged' voters poised to OUST Prime Minister (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson leaving the Houses of Parliament after apologising for the May 20, 2020, event in No10 (Image: GETTY)

The Prime Minister has been rocked by a series of lockdown-breaking parties which have come to light in recent days.

On Wednesday, he read a statement to the Commons saying he wanted to "apologise" for the events and acknowledged the "anguish" and "sacrifice" made by millions of Britons.

On Thursday night, it was reported that two more staff parties took place in No10 on April 16 - the night before Prince Philip's funeral.

The Telegraph reported that staff partied in the basement of No10, to music DJd by a special adviser, one attendee broke Wilf Johnson’s swing in the garden and another was sent to the Co-op with a suitcase to buy more alcohol.

Downing Street apologised to Buckingham Palace on Friday for the insensitive events.

The latest party revelations led to a backlash from opposition parties, who contrasted the indulgent behaviour of No10 staff with pictures of the Queen sitting alone at her husband's funeral, due to Covid restrictions.

The Prime Minister's spokesman said it was "deeply regrettable that this took place at a time of national mourning".

These transgressions have been added to the list of social gatherings in Government buildings being investigated by senior civil servant Sue Gray.

The Liberal Democrats say they "put the Prime Minister on notice" after two by-election wins last year in Chesham and Amersham and North Shropshire.

The landmark victories were noted as the 18th and seventh-largest swings in British political history.

Queen funeral

The Queen social distancing at the funeral of her husband Prince Philip (Image: GETTY)

Ed Davey

'Resign!' Ed Davey puts the PM on notice (Image: GETTY)

The party is now setting its sights on the Conservative councils across their heartlands known as the Blue Wall, ahead of the local elections that are less than three months away.

Mr Davey has slammed Tory councils which he says have taken areas for granted across the country for decades.

The Liberal Democrats have either full control or influence in over 50 Local Authorities across the country with responsibility for billions of pounds of public spending.

Leader of the Liberal Democrats on the Local Government Association and on Cotswold District Council Cllr Joe Harris told “We’re hearing outrage from across the country from the residents we serve.

"Millions of people have sacrificed so much during this pandemic. From cancelling weddings to not being able to say goodbye to their loved ones in hospital, Boris Johnson has failed every single one of them.

“We’re urging local councils across the country to voice the concerns of their residents and table dozens of no-confidence motions in the Prime Minister.

“Together we can send a powerful message to Boris Johnson from communities up and down the country that it’s time for him to go.”

The Liberal Democrats grassroots effort comes as a number of Conservative MPs publically call for the Prime Minister to resign.

Those who have publically voiced their discontent include Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross, William Wragg, Caroline Nokes, Sir Roger Gale, Baroness Ruth Davidson and Andrew Bridgen.

Number 10

There has been 15 alleged Government gatherings during lockdown (Image: GETTY)

Helen Morgan

Helen Morgan after overturning a majority of 23,000 to win by 5925 votes in North Shropshire (Image: GETTY)

The motion sent out to Liberal Democrat Councillors and Councils across the country states: "Council notes its severe disappointment in the Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

"Council further notes that the Prime Minister acted unlawfully, misled Parliament and lied to the residents of our country.

"Councils adds that while the Prime Minister attended Downing Street parties, millions of people obeyed the lockdown rules, often at huge personal cost.

"They missed funerals, cancelled weddings and said goodbye to dying loved ones on video calls - some on the very day that Number Ten illegally hosted a garden party.

"Council condemns the Prime Minister who has now become a threat to the health of our nation, and for the sake of the country still gripped by this awful pandemic he must resign.

"Council calls upon the Leader of the Council to write to Boris Johnson stating that the council has no confidence in his leadership and calls for him to resign.

"Council resolves that we no longer have confidence in the Prime Minister."

Downing Street has been approached for comment.

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