Brexit hysteria grips Germany as newspaper gloats 'English Channel is wider and UK poorer'

BREXIT hysteria has gripped Germany once again as a leading publication pores over the year since the UK left the EU.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Olaf Scholz says 'The free movement of labour is part of the EU'

Great Britain is "poorer" and the channel is "wider" since the nation left the European Union, according to German publication Der Standard. The gloating article examines a series of issues that have been at play since Britain officially left the bloc a year ago. Der Standard's London correspondent, Sebastian Borger, told his readers that the new trading rules meant "nothing good" for Britons.

He quotes shrinking exports from the United Kingdom to Ireland and the continent which shrank by a quarter.

The Centre for European Reform Vice President John Springford has compared the British economy with a fictional doppelganger in which the UK voted against Brexit in 2016.

In the years between the referendum and the exit from the European Union, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the real country was three percent lower than that of the doppelganger.

According to the British Office for Budget Responsibility, another four percent will be added to that total over the coming years.

Brexit hysteria grips Germany as newspaper gloats 'English Channel is wider'

Brexit hysteria grips Germany as newspaper gloats 'English Channel is wider' (Image: GETTY)


Boris Johnson vowed to 'get Brexit done' upon election (Image: GETTY)

Mr Borger goes on to slam the increased cost of trade between Britain and the continent.

He noted: "For the economy, the English Channel has already become wider and deeper."

Customs clearance cost companies a quarter more than in 2019, and the number of trucks that returned empty to the continent rose by ten percent.

However, Mr Borger does duly note that the predicted post-Brexit six-figure job losses did not materialise.

In fact, Brexit Britain trumped a whopping 22 EU states with a lower level of unemployment, according to the latest data from Trading Economics.

According to the latest figures, the UK rates of unemployment currently amount to 4.20 percent.

The UK comes out on top of countries including Germany, France and Spain in this metric.

Only five EU member states beat the UK with lower levels of unemployment: the Netherlands (2.70 percent), Denmark (3.10 percent), Czech Republic (3.30 percent), Malta (3.60 percent) and Hungary (3.80 percent).


Brexit has been detrimental to British trade, according to the German publication (Image: GETTY)


Unemployment in the UK has plunged (Image: GETTY)

Reflecting on trade deals, the German publication speculates that the UK will be unable to strike a deal with the US while peace in Northern Ireland is threatened.

However, it does highlight the groundbreaking deals struck with Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand, among others.

As Mr Borger dissects the aftermath of Brexit, he concludes that Britons' interest in the subject is waning.

Indeed, polls asking the nation about the most important issues found Brexit was first or second between 2016 and 2019.

Since leaving the bloc, it has fallen from the pedestal and been replaced with healthcare, environmental and economic issues.

Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg

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