North Shropshire by-election: ‘People taken for granted’ Lib Dem winner mocks Boris

BORIS JOHNSON has suffered a major setback after the Liberal Democrats came out on top in yesterday's North Shropshire by-election.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

North Shropshire by-election: Conservatives beaten by Lib Dems

New North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan attributed the stunning victory, which saw the Tories lose the seat they had held since 1832, to voters feeling like they were being "taken for granted" by the Conservative Government. The historic by-election was prompted by the resignation of ex-Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Paterson, 65, who was found to have breached lobbying rules after two companies paid him over £100,000-a-year. The Liberal Democrats came out on top in the contest with 47 percent of the vote with the Conservatives finishing in a distant second on 32 percent. Labour, led by 59-year-old Sir Keir Starmer, also took a step backwards after they received just 10 percent of the vote - down from 22 percent back in 2019. The Prime Minister could now also face growing opposition inside the Tory Party with North Thanet MP Sir Roger Gale, 78, suggesting his Conservative colleagues could force chair of the 1922 Committee Sir Graham Brady, 54, to hold a meeting with Mr Johnson as more MPs hand in their letters of no confidence.


Additional reporting by Francesca Edwards and Jack Walters.

North Shropshire by-election results LIVE: Boris holds breath – PM on brink of horror loss

Boris humiliated as Lib Dems overturn HUGE 23k majority (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson's leadership 'displays the worst in humanity', claims North Shropshire voter

Boris Johnson's leadership "displays the worst in humanity", according to a disgruntled North Shropshire voter. 

Tony Parnell said: "I thought it would be a very much reduced majority for the Tories, but I am very pleased the message has been sent.

"This leadership, I think, displays the worst in humanity, Boris Johnson displays a complete disregard and no care for anybody other than himself.

"He doesn't even care that he's been caught out about the parties.

"All he wanted to be, in my opinion, was Prime Minister."

'There are no conservatives in the Conservative Party,' says North Shropshire voter

Boris Johnson and his Government no longer represent conservative values, according to one North Shropshire voter who said there were "no conservatives in the Conservative Party" anymore. 

Tim Turner, 56, from Oswestry, said of the result: "Obviously I am very pleased."

Asked how he voted, he replied: "Oh, I wouldn't say. It's very difficult to choose who to vote for, but I am very pleased Boris lost.

"I think it's Boris Johnson that's lost the Conservative vote around here."

Asked if there was any way back for the Prime Minister, he said: "Not really, I just think he's lazy."

"I don't think they're Conservative - there's no Conservatives in the Conservative Party."

‘Dog caught the car' Verhofstadt sticks oar into North Shropshire by election fall out

Guy Verhofstadt has blasted Boris Johnson after the Conservative's devastating defeat in the North Shropshire by-election.

The MEP and former Prime Minister of Belgium, took his opportunity to skewer Mr Johnson after the Tories lost the North Shropshire seat for the first time since its creation. 

Posting on Twitter, Mr Verhofstadt accused Mr Johnson of governing by populism, and compared him to a dog.

He said: “Populists in government are like the dog that caught the car.

“Britain deserves better… and British voters know it!

“Congratulations to our sister party, the Liberal Democrats, for this telling victory.”


Boris Johnson needs to 'fix' issues like No10 parties and flat refurbishment, he admits

Boris Johnson has said he needs to "fix" issues like the reported Number 10 parties and the funding of the refurbishment of the No 10 flat.

"Those questions are exactly the kind of questions about politics and politicians and all those kind of things, the running of government, that I'm going to have to fix of course," he said.

"But the real issue people want to focus on is what we're doing to sort out the NHS, the investment we are putting in to get us through a very tough time and what we are doing to tackle the pandemic."

Boris Johnson admits to failing to get his message across

Boris Johnson has admitted to failing to get his message across over the past few weeks. 

Speaking at a vaccination centre at Hillingdon Hospital in London, he said: "I think my job is to get over what we're doing more effectively and to show people that, as a result of the fastest vaccine rollout and the fastest booster rollout in Europe, that we've got more jobs than before the pandemic began.

"I've got to put my hands up and say 'have I failed to get that message across in the last few weeks? Has it been obscured by all this other stuff?' Yes, I'm afraid it has."

Boris Johnson accepts 'personal responsibility' for by-election loss

Boris Johnson has admitted "personal responsibility" for the shocking North Shropshire loss which saw the Liberal Democrats overturn a 23,000-vote majority to win the seat by 6,000 votes. 

Reflecting on the loss, the Prime Minister said: "I am responsible for everything the government does and of course i take personal responsibility. 

"Clearly the vote in North Shropshire is a very disappointing result and I totally understand people's frustrations, I hear what the voters are saying in North Shropshire and in all humility I have got to accept that verdict."


'Lib Dem victory was a protest vote,' claims political commentator

The Liberal Democrats had little to offer the voters in North Shropshire, which is what makes their victory even more significant, according to New Statesman political correspondent Ailbhe Rea. 

The stunning victory saw the Liberal Democrats overturn a 23,000-vote majority to win the seat by 6,000 votes. 

The by-election saw a 37.2 percent swing: the seventh-largest since the Second World War.

Ms Rea describes her time spent on the campaign trail which saw the Lib Dems highlight Tory sleaze and mismanagement. 

The North Shropshire electorate are naturally conservative and voted for Brexit in the referendum, their natural leaning is towards the Tories. 

Ms Rea said: "This wasn’t a by-election about local issues or about the realignment of the constituency’s voters with the Liberal Democrats.

"This was a purely distilled protest vote. It was a referendum on Boris Johnson, and he lost."

Tories are paying for 'self-inflicted own goals' says 1922 Committee treasurer

Senior Tory backbencher Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown has said the party paid the price in the North Shropshire by-election for a series of "self-inflicted own goals".

Sir Geoffrey, the treasurer of the backbench 1922 Committee, warned against a "big blame game"  and urged MPs to "calm down" but said Boris Johnson needs to look at how he governs the country.

He told Sky News: "We have got to calm down. It is not a morning that we want to be contemplating a big blame game or a big change, we just need to work out what we need to do in the future.

"He has got to go away and work out how he can conduct himself and govern this country in a way that avoids these sorts of issues.

"I want him to succeed, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. But in doing that, as one of his seasoned backbenchers, I am asking him to think carefully how he governs the country and avoid these self-inflicted measures."

'If we can win in North Shropshire, we can win anywhere,' says victorious Lib Dem MP

Liberal Democrat MP Helen Morgan, who took the North Shropshire seat by nearly 6,000 votes over-turning the Conservatives' almost-23,000 majority, said: "If we can win in North Shropshire, we can win anywhere."

Asked by reporters if the Liberal Democrats were coming out of a "difficult decade" for the party, she said: "We've had two sensational wins: I think in Chesham and Amersham it was, what 24 percent?

"This has been 34 percent.

"We're proving that we can make those things happen on the ground."

Lib Dem winner attributes victory to 'people feeling taken for granted'

New North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan has attributed her stunning victory to voters feeling "taken for granted" by the Conservative party. 

Speaking in Oswestry outside The Bailey Head pub after a 25-minute walkabout through the market town in her constituency, she said: "Well, I'm absolutely thrilled, humbled and honoured - and obviously a little bit tired."

She added that voters had been "moving towards" the Liberal Democrats - and away from the Conservatives - "even before the issue with the party, last week".

"We found that people really felt as if they were taken for granted," she added.

Helen Morgan bursts Boris' bubble

Victorious Liberal Democrat MP Helen Morgan has "burst Boris' bubble" after taking the North Shropshire seat in the by-election last night. 

Ms Morgan overturned a Tory majority of almost 23,000, declaring that the "party is over" for the PM.

The victorious by-election candidate celebrated the victory alongside former party leader Tim Farron in Oswestry, on Friday.

Ms Morgan used a yellow pin to pop a large blue balloon which had "Boris' Bubble" emblazoned on the side.

Mr Farron said: "I don't know if you realise how many millions of people have woken up this morning feeling a bit of light has broken into the darkness.

"But it turns out, if you are incompetent, it turns out if you tell lies, it turns out if you take the people for granted, there is a price to pay.

"Democracy and justice is alive and well in Britain and the people of North Shropshire have spoken for the whole of Britain last night."

Conservatives will be focussing on the booster programme in the wake North Shropshire defeat

The Conservative Party will be focussing on demonstrating their commitment to the British people in the wake of the shock North Shropshire defeat, Oliver Dowden has said. 

The Conservative Party chairman told LBC: "I'm seeing the Prime Minister immediately after I've done this very extensive news round this morning.

"What we must do as a Government is demonstrate that we are focused on the people's priorities and I think what you've heard over the past couple of months is a lot of noises off.

"That is why, for example, we are focusing, in the middle of this terrible surging Omicron virus, we're focusing on getting the booster into people's arms in order to make sure that we can keep some element of normality going on in our lives.

"That's why we're engaged with the hospitality industry who are facing tremendous challenges right now.

"We have to be laser-like focused on the people's priorities, and that is the message I take from this - that people don't want all these noises off.

"They want us focused on their priorities."

Johnson has 53% of leaving office before Tory conference

Betfair Exchange punters give Boris Johnson a 53 percent chance of being replaced as PM by the 2022 Conservative conference and just a 47 percent chance of holding his job after his party lost the North Shropshire by-election, a traditional Tory safe seat.

In his place, Rishi Sunak is the clear 9/4 favourite to be the next Conservative leader, with Liz Truss next at 9/2.

2022 is the favourite 4/5 for Mr Johnson to be removed as leader.

Johnson has 53% of leaving office before Tory conference (Image: BETFAIR)

North Shropshire by-election 'does not amount to a sea change', insists Dowden

Conservative Party chairman Oliver Dowden said he does not believe the North Shropshire by-election result amounts to a "sea change" in British politics. 

His assertion comes only a matter of hours after Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey suggested the shock Tory loss did, in fact, represent "a watershed moment in British politics". 

Mr Dowden told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I would note that this was a unique by-election caused by the resignation of an incumbent MP over sleaze.

"I would also note that if there was some massive sea change in the way that you describe in British politics, you would have expected the Labour Party, who were in a strong second place, to be surging ahead and winning. In fact, their vote sank.

"So, whilst I do very much hear voters' frustrations, I don't think it amounts to a sea change."

North Shropshire by-election 'does not amount to a sea change', insists Dowden (Image: GETTY)

Vice-chair of the 1922 Committee says he does not believe there will be a leadership challenge

Tory MP Sir Charles Walker, the vice-chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee said he did not believe the Tories would have a leadership challenge in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he said: "It doesn't mean the end, and it certainly doesn't mean leadership challenges. I mean, the Conservative Party is not going to have a leadership challenge as we are heading into potential further restrictions around Covid, and difficulties around Covid.

"That would be completely self-indulgent."

Vice-chairman of the 1922 Committee not surprised at North Shropshire loss

Tory MP Sir Charles Walker, the vice-chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, said he was not surprised the governing party lost in North Shropshire.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "People are tired, angry, exhausted, 20 months of a pandemic.

"It's put Government under the microscope, mistakes have been made. The Prime Minister will be the first to admit mistakes have been made.

"It's a very, very difficult time for the country, for governments, and I would be surprised if we didn't lose it.

"Of course, I'm sad we lost it but we sort of have defied political gravity for 11 years and we are now returning to business as usual I'm afraid."

Andrew Neil pinpoints moment it all went wrong for Boris by caving to 'Tory toffs

Andrew Neil has pinpointed the moment Boris Johnson's premiership all started going south.

The broadcaster said the Prime Minister's historic loss in North Shropshire was "self-inflicted" after he caved to "Tory toffs". 


'If the Prime Minister fails, the Prime Minister goes,' warns Tory veteran

Conservative veteran Sir Roger Gale has warned that the party does "not take prisoners" and that if "the Prime Minister fails, the Prime Minister goes". 

The warning from the North Thanet MP, who has held the seat since 1983, said Boris Johnson must "prove" himself after they ousted Theresa May to elect him. 

Mr Gale told the Today programme: "The Conservative Party has a reputation for not taking prisoners. If the Prime Minister fails, the Prime Minister goes.

"We got rid of a good prime minister to install Mr Johnson.

"Mr Johnson has to prove that he's capable of being a good prime minister and at the moment it's quite clear that the public don't think that that's the case."

'If the Prime Minister fails, the Prime Minister goes,' warns Tory veteran (Image: GETTY)

PM on the brink as Tories plot ousting leader over Christmas

Last night, the Conservatives lost the North Shropshire seat they held for nearly 200 years to the Liberal Democrats in a blistering by-election blow to Boris Johnson.

The loss will reflect poorly on the Prime Minister who has carved his entire political career out of being a successful campaigner and winner. 

"We shouldn't forget we owe him our seats," one MP from the 2019 intake told a few weeks ago.

"No one else could have delivered that for us."

But now Mr Johnson is in a perilous position. He no longer looks like a winner.'s political correspondent Dan Falvey has analysed the by-election loss to bring you what it means for the Prime Minister. 


PM on the brink as Tories plot ousting leader over Christmas (Image: GETTY)

What the historic Lib Dem win means for Boris Johnson

The Conservative Party has suffered a historic defeat in the North Shropshire by-election - losing a seat they had held for 200 years. 

The shocking defeat has brought Boris Johnson's future as Prime Minister sharply into question. 

The by-election comes just days after 100 of his own MPs rebelled against him in a Commons vote about reintroducing new restrictions in light of the fast-spreading Omicron Covid variant. 

What does this historic loss mean for Mr Johnson as he continues to battle allegations of sleaze? James Gray has the insight. 


'The sun is shining on the Liberal Democrats,' says party leader

Sir Ed Davey is currently self-isolating after testing positive for Covid at the start of the week. 

Sky News asked how he is feeling, to which he replied: "Not great, I'll be honest.

"I'm under the weather but the sun is shining on the Liberal Democrats".

Britons have 'no confidence' in Boris Johnson, says Lib Dem leader

Sir Ed Davey said the Liberal Democrat's victory in North Shropshire was the people passing their "vote of no confidence" in the Prime Minister. 

He told Sky News: "I'm not surprised Boris Johnson, after his shocking Peppa Pig speech and 'partygate' where they've broken the rules that they've told us to follow, I'm not surprised that he's now losing the support of lifelong Conservatives."

In response to Conservative Party chairman Oliver Dowden insisting members have "full confidence" in Mr Johnson, Sir Ed said: "I think the Conservative chairman should listen a bit more closely to the people of North Shropshire.

"They were telling me that they don't think Boris Johnson is a decent person, not a decent person to lead our country, and frankly I think the people of North Shropshire have sent in a letter of no confidence in Boris Johnson to the Conservative's 1922 Committee.

"I think Conservative MPs will be very alarmed by this result because these were lifelong Conservatives, dismayed at Boris Johnson's lack of decency, saying they don't like him, they don't want him.

"I've felt for a long time that he's not fit to lead our country, and I think more and more people now who used to trust Boris Johnson no longer do."

Ed Davey denies pact with Labour leader

Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey, has denied allegations that his party has a pact with the Labour party to work together to push the Tories out.

Asked if it was time to have a "proper chat" with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer about "what happens at the next general election", Sir Ed told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I just take you back to the two by-election victories we've had this year, stunning by-election victories, in Cheshire and Amersham, and now in North Shropshire.

"There was no pact, there was no deal. Voters can work this sort of thing out for themselves.

"And I'm sure there were lots of Labour voters who voted tactically for Helen Morgan and the Liberal Democrats last night, and that's just what voters want to do. It's their democracy."

Pressed on whether there will be a "tacit understanding" about how hard the Liberal Democrats and Labour will campaign in certain seats in future, Sir Ed said: "I think voters can work it out for themselves.

"They're grown up, they can read the facts, they can see who's really putting the effort in."

Boris Johnson remains an 'electoral asset', says Dowden

Boris Johnson remains an "electoral asset" for the Tories despite losing a historic blue seat amid scandals, insists Conservative Party chairman Oliver Dowden.

He told Sky News: "Yes, I think the Prime Minister is an electoral asset for the Conservative Party, and I'll tell you why.

"Just take the three really big calls we've faced. Get Brexit done: he's delivered on it.

"We've delivered the fastest booster programme in the world twice over and we've seen the economy through this terrible period, with unemployment lower than when we entered.

"So I think actually on the big calls the Prime Minister has the vision and the direction to get us through this difficult period."

North Shropshire a 'referendum' on Boris Johnson's premiership

The Tories' North Shropshire by-election defeat should be seen as a "referendum" on Boris Johnson's premiership, according to long-serving Conservative MP Sir Roger Gale.

Asked why the Tories lost, the North Thanet MP told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "Because the electorate wanted to send a very clear message to Downing Street that they were dissatisfied with the management of this Government.

"I think this has to be seen as a referendum on the Prime Minister's performance and I think that the Prime Minister is now in 'last orders' time.

"Two strikes already, one earlier this week in the vote in the Commons and now this. One more strike and he's out."


Lib Dem leader celebrates 'watershed moment'

The Liberal Democrat victory in North Shropshire is "spectacular" and a "watershed moment", according to the leader of the party. 

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Ed Davey said: "This is a watershed moment in British politics.

"It was a spectacular result and I couldn't be more delighted for Helen Morgan, our new Liberal Democrat MP for North Shropshire.

"I'm just so proud of our party, our campaigners. I think we brought hope to the whole nation.

"We've now this year beaten the Conservatives in two of their safest seats, with the previous by-election in blue Buckinghamshire in Chesham and Amersham.

"Liberal Democrats have proven the Conservatives can be beaten anywhere.

"And I think people are so fed up with Boris Johnson, so fed up with his incompetence and his behaviour, I think they'll be really happy about that."

Lib Dem thanks Shaun Bailey for North Shropshire win

Luisa Porritt, former mayor of London candidate and MEP, has thanked the Conservatives photographed at a lockdown breaking party for helping the Liberal Democrats to secure victory in North Shropshire. 

The leader of the Camden Lib Dems said: "Special thanks must go to Shaun Bailey and his entire campaign team for their assistance in North Shropshire this week."

'No such thing as a safe Tory seat'

The historic North Shropshire defeat in last night's by-election shows that there is "no such thing as a safe Tory seat", according to political commentator Tom Newton Dunn. 

Mr Newton Dunn branded the loss "extraordinary" due to the swing and the history of the seat.

The North Shropshire seat has existed in some form since the 1830s and, until Friday, had always been held by a Conservative MP.

Mr Newton Dunn said: "For the Tories to lose North Shropshire - a pro-Brexit 23,000 majority seat they’ve held since 1832 - is awful.

"To lose it with a 34 percent swing and by 6,000 votes is quite extraordinary.

"It’s only a by-election, but would mean there’s no such thing as a safe Tory seat."

Voters have 'moved on' from Brexit, says Lib Dem leader

The electorate has "moved on" from Brexit and are ready to focus on improving key services, said Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey. 

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "They were focusing - when I was talking to them - about the underfunding of key health services like ambulances and GPs.

"I went five times to North Shropshire, I had 10 days' canvassing, and people were really clear, it was the health service, it was the rising cost of living.

"These are people who've played by the rules, who used to vote Conservative.

"I talked after our Chesham and Amersham victory about the Blue Wall.

"This is another type of Blue Wall seat, the Tory heartlands falling to the Liberal Democrats as we campaign on the issues that matter to the local community."

'Just the beginning!' Reclaim's Martin Daubney issues warning to Tories

Reclaim candidate Martin Daubney has warned the Conservatives that their historic loss in North Shropshire is "just the beginning". 

Ex-Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney, 51, stood as the candidate for the Reclaim Party in yesterday's North Shropshire by-election.

Mr Daubney received just 375 votes and finished in a distant seventh place in North Shropshire, falling behind the UKIP candidate by just three votes.

However, Mr Daubney told he expects the party to make progress in the New Year.

"We are very, very happy with our gain here, our campaign," Mr Daubney said.

"A huge learning curve and the Reclaim Party is just beginning.

"This is stage one, our first by-election, we've got £5million for the New Year, we've taken a councillor from the Tories in North Shropshire, we've built an outpost, we've got three more councillors going to us in the New Year, great news to come."


Voters 'gave us a kicking' and Tories 'heard that loud and clear'

The voters in North Shropshire wanted to send "a message" to the Conservatives and "we have heard that loud and clear", Oliver Dowden has said. 

Speaking on Sky News, the co-chairman of the party said: "Voters in North Shropshire were fed up and they gave us a kicking and I think they wanted to send us a message - and I want to say, as chairman of the Conservative Party, we have heard that loud and clear. 

"We need to get on with delivering the job and that is precisely what we are doing. 

"For example, with the booster programme to deal with the Omicron variant."

North Shropshire by-election result speaking for the people 'fed-up' with Johnson

Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey, has congratulated his victorious North Shropshire candidate, Helen Morgan. 

The Lib Dem leader claims that the by-election, which saw the Conservatives lose a seat they had previously held since 1832, was indicative of the public mood. 

Mr Davey said: "Millions of people are fed up with Boris Johnson and his failure to provide leadership throughout the pandemic and last night the voters of North Shropshire spoke for all of them.

"Congratulations Helen Morgan, you will make a wonderful MP for your community."

Tories 'deserve' the 'terrible' by-election result in North Shropshire

The Conservative defeat in North Shropshire is "terrible" for the party, but this is a result they "thoroughly deserve", according to shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds. 

Speaking on BBC Breakfast, he said: "It's clearly a terrible result for Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party, but I think one that they thoroughly deserve.

"Clearly people have wanted to send a message to the Government they're fed up with the incompetence, the sleaze, the kind of revelations we've seen over the last few weeks.

"And I think the Government has to take heed of that.

"At the minute it feels, to be frank, that this Government is not in control of itself, let alone the country. And I think the result last night reflects that."

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments from the North Shropshire by-election. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: @TaraFair_

Polling guru John Curtice warns North Shropshire could be a political earthquake

Polling expert Sir John Curtice, 68, has said the North Shropshire by-election ranks as an 8.5 on the Richter scale. 

According to Times journalist Steven Swinford, the professor also said it could constitute a political earthquake.

Tory candidate refuses to blame Boris for 'disappointing' by-election loss

North Shropshire's Conservative candidate Neil Shastri-Hurst, 38, refused to blame Boris Johnson, 57, after he lost a seat which has voted Conservative in every electoral contest since 1906.

Speaking after his defeat, Mr Shastri-Hurst said: "We've run a positive campaign here, I'm extremely proud of the work that everyone has done.

"Of course, it is a disappointing result for us but I think we all deserve a good night sleep."

He added: "We are 11-years into a Conservative Government, by-elections are never an easy thing to win... but of course we do need to reflect upon the result and I'm sure as a party we will do that."

Sir Ed Davey lauds 'watershed' Lib Dem victory in North Shropshire

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey, 55, is currently isolating due to COVID-19.

However, the Kingston & Surbiton MP was able to share his thoughts after his party knocked another brick out the Blue Wall in the North Shropshire by-election.

Commenting on the result, Sir Ed said: “This result is a watershed moment in our politics and offers hope to people around the country that a brighter future is possible. Millions of people are fed up with Boris Johnson and his failure to provide leadership throughout the pandemic and last night the voters of North Shropshire spoke for all of them.

“This is the second stunning by-election victory this year for the Liberal Democrats - both in formerly safe Conservative seats. From Buckinghamshire to Shropshire, lifelong Conservatives have turned to the Liberal Democrats in their droves and sent a clear message to the Prime Minister that the party is over.

“The Liberal Democrats believe people deserve a fair deal where everyone plays by the same rules – including those in Downing Street. We will fight for that fair deal with good schools, safe streets and high-quality healthcare.”

'The party is over!' Lib Dem winner calls out Boris in seismic victory

Speaking after her historic victory in North Shropshire, Liberal Democrat candidate Helen Morgan said: "Tonight, the people of North Shropshire have spoken on behalf of the British people.

"They have said loudly and clearly: 'Boris Johnson, the party is over'.

"Your government, run on lies and bluster, will be held accountable. It will be scrutinised, it will be challenged and it can and will be defeated.

"Across the country, the Liberal Democrats are taking on the Conservatives and winning.

"In rural Shropshire today – just like in Buckinghamshire in June – we have won the support of people who have always voted Conservative and people who have always opposed them.

"Thousands of lifelong Conservative voters, dismayed by Boris Johnson’s lack of decency and fed up with being taken for granted."

North Shropshire result - Liberal Democrat GAIN

The Liberal Democrats have won the North Shropshire by-election.

The total number of votes received by candidates from the following parties was as follows:

Liberal Democrats - 17,957

Conservatives - 12,032

Labour - 3,686

Green - 1,738

Reform - 1,427 

UKIP - 378

Reclaim - 375

Monster Raving Looney Party - 118

Independent - 95

Heritage Party - 79

Rejoin EU - 58

Freedom Alliance - 57

Party Party - 19

Other - 3

Lib Dems gloat over by-election victory

Taking to Twitter, the Liberal Democrats shared a clip of Sir Ed Davey, 55, rising to his feet and waving his arms in celebration of the party's victory over the Tories in North Shropshire.

The Liberal Democrat leader, who replaced Jo Swinson in August 2020, is currently at home in isolation due to COVID-19.

The post was captioned: "When you beat the Conservatives in a by-election, for the second time in one year."

'We've had a good nibble!' Reclaim candidate Martin Daubney says tactical voting ousted the Tories

Ex-Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney, 51, said Reclaim had a "good nibble" at the Tory vote in the North Shropshire by-election.

Speaking to, the former journalist added: "We are very, very happy with our gain here, our campaign.

"A huge learning curve and the Reclaim Party is just beginning.

"This is stage one, our first by-election, we've got £5million for the New Year, we've taken a councillor from the Tories in North Shropshire, we've built an outpost, we've got three more councillors going to us in the New Year, great news to come.

"Reclaim is just getting started." 

However, he stressed the Liberal Democrats benefitted from a protest vote against Boris Johnson, 57, in what he suggested was a referendum on the Prime Minister's leadership.

"This wasn't an election about the small parties, it's turned out to be a straight forward race between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives," he said.

Mr Daubney even claimed tactical voting had led one Green Party canvasser to cast their vote in favour of the Liberal Democrat candidate. 

Result expected in the next hour

The declaration of the knife-edge North Shropshire by-election is expected to be delivered at 3.30am.

The result could be a hammer blow for Boris Johnson, 57, after the Liberal Democrats jumped the gun to claim they have won the contest "comfortably". 

Boris could face a leadership challenge if defeated in North Shropshire

Sir Roger Gale, 78, called for Boris Johnson, 57, to go if the Tory candidate is defeated in the race to succeed ex-Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Paterson, 65, as North Shropshire's MP.

The veteran North Thanet MP said: "If we were to win by a very narrow majority or more particularly if we were to lose then I think that could well become a tipping point and I think at that point Sir Graham Brady might have to go and have a conversation with the Prime Minister."

'Disaster for Boris' Lib Dems claim they will smash the Tories in North Shropshire

While votes are still being counted, the Liberal Democrats are increasingly confident they will deliver Boris Johnson, 57, with yet another by-election blow.

A Liberal Democrat spokesperson said: "We're not just going to win, we're going to win comfortably. This is an amazing night for the Liberal Democrats and a disaster for Boris Johnson."

Turnout higher than Old Bexley & Sidcup

Turnout in North Shropshire is above the number who voted in the recent Old Bexley & Sidcup by-election.

The overall turnout is reported to be 46.3 percent in Owen Paterson's former constituency.

When Louie French won the Bexley by-election two weeks ago, just 33.5 percent of voters headed to the polling stations.

What happened last time?

Ex-MP Owen Paterson, 65, returned to the Commons in 2019 with 63 percent of the vote.

Labour finished in a distant second on 22 percent and the Remain-supporting Liberal Democrats ended up in third with just 10 percent.

The Green Party, who will also be contesting tonight's by-election, received 3.2 percent of the vote.

Robert Jones from the Shropshire Party finished in the fifth and final place on 2 percent.

Turnout in 2019 also stood at 68 percent.

Despite reports the Liberal Democrats could snatch the seat, voters in North Shropshire backed Brexit in the 2016 referendum, with estimates suggesting 60 percent of locals voted to sever ties with the Brussels bloc. 

Reform UK and Reclaim will also stand in tonight's contest and may hope to benefit from the pro-Brexit and ex-UKIP support.

In 2015, when Nigel Farage's party ended up receiving the third most amount of votes in the UK, almost 18 percent of voters in North Shropshire supported the Eurosceptic party.

Green Party politician claims Keir Starmer should be held accountable for North Shropshire result

Green Party Assembly Member at City Hall Zack Polanski, 39, told "I think essentially Keir Starmer has an opportunity to unite the opposition by supporting a fair voting system.

"Not only would this stop successive Conservative governments, more importantly it would be a chance for everyone's vote to matter.

"Locals in North Shropshire should have had the opportunity to vote for who they want to win and not their least worst option." 

‘Dire few weeks!’ Conservative commentator warns Tories are ‘concerned’

Conservative Home chief executive Mark Wallace, 37, told Sky News: "I think the Conservatives are legitimately concerned about this.

"You know it has been an absolutely dire few weeks, as you've just covered, for the Government and the fact is in ordinary times this ought not to be close.

"But all the forecasts are it's going to be."

He added: "One of the things we are seeing at the moment of course is there are several different great realignments going on all at the same time in British politics."

Mr Wallace also pointed out how North Shropshire voted to leave the European Union and cautioned the Liberal Democrats could still face a Brexit backlash from constituents.

'We're going to take votes!' Reclaim's Martin Daubney issues Boris with by-election warning

Ex-Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney, 51, has warned Boris Johnson, 57, the Reclaim Party will take votes away from the Conservatives.

The former journalist told "We are going to take votes from the Brexit end of the spectrum, the patriots, the true Brexiteers, the ones who are upset the Government is losing control on illegal immigration, taxation, green taxes and of course the Christmas party scandal."

But Mr Daubney also warned voter turnout could prove decisive in deciding who succeeds Owen Paterson, 65, as the MP for North Shropshire.

He said: "A lot of voters who voted for Brexit [Party] in 2019 would never vote the Liberal Democrats... [but] if those shy Tories are staying at home on a cold winter's night, suddenly there is an extra pressure on the Conservatives."

Speaking about the mood on the ground, he added: "Conservative activists are looking ashen-faced.

"There is a heck of a lot of worry amongst the Tories."

Tories suffer by-election blow in Kent

Boris Johnson, 57, has been dealt a blow in Kent, just hours before the Conservative Party find out whether they have done enough to hold onto North Shropshire.

The Green Party took yet another Blue Wall scalp in Ashford where they surged past the Tory Party to win the ward of Highfield. 

The Green candidate received 40 percent of the vote, up 21.2 percent.

Whereas, the Tories saw a 7 point slump on 34.1 percent.

The Labour Party, who finished second in Ashford at the general election in 2019, received just 4.8 percent of the vote.

'Smaller snapshot!' Lib Dems clarify leaked canvass data from North Shropshire

Liberal Democrat canvass data has been doing the rounds on social media.

It appears to indicate the party edged ahead of the Tories by 43 percent to 37 percent on December 10.

However, the Mirror's Rachel Wearmouth has stressed the data should come with a "big health warning".

A Liberal Democrat source told "We don't recognise this from the full canvass throughout the campaign. We suspect it may have been a smaller snapshot either of a specific geographical area or over a smaller period of time."

Labour could split the anti-Tory vote in North Shropshire in boost to Boris

A Labour source on the ground told "I honestly reckon that we'll have split the anti-Tory vote share and they'll get in."

The source added: "It's been so difficult to tell as the opinions of the people we spoke to two weeks ago are different to if we speak to them now with everything that's gone on."

'Shiver down Boris' spine!' Lib Dems sense opportunity to tear through Tory Blue Wall

As polls closed in North Shropshire, the Liberal Democrats warn Tory MPs could be left "looking over their shoulders" once the result of the knife-edge by-election is declared.

Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesperson Christine Jardine, 61, said: “Helen Morgan ran a fantastic campaign against a Conservative party which has taken people in North Shropshire for granted.

"There is real anger at Boris Johnson’s Government which is completely out of touch with the country.

“If the Conservative Party lose significant numbers of votes tonight in one of their safest seats in the country, there will be countless Conservative MPs looking over their shoulders nervously tomorrow.

"This seat has returned a Conservative MP since 1830."

“The Liberal Democrats are within touching distance of winning Blue Wall Conservative seats across the country at the next general election.

The Edinburgh West MP added: "If we get a strong result here tonight in a rural Conservative safe seat, it will send a shiver down Boris Johnson’s spine.”

'Lost confidence in Boris' Tory activist warns Conservative voters have flocked to the Lib Dems

A Conservative activist has warned Boris Johnson, 57, could see his thumping majority in Brexit-backing North Shropshire be whittled down amid reports Downing Street hosted festive parties last Christmas.

When asked by about how the campaign to succeed ex-Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Paterson, 65, had gone, Nigel Saidler, 20, said: "A lot of people have lost confidence in Boris."

Mr Saidler, who spent today campaigning in the constituency, added: "Lifelong Tory voters are voting for the Liberal Democrats."

However, when pushed on whether he thought Neil Shastri-Hurst, 38, had done enough to hold on to the once-safe seat, Mr Saidler said he expected a Tory win but with the Liberal Democrats in a “close” second.

When will we know the winner?

North Shropshire began voting at the polls at 7 am. 

The polls closed at 10 pm but we will have to wait a few hours before the results come in. 

They will only come once polling station staff have stopped tallying votes.

As such, there is no definite time when onlookers can expect the results.

And given the small-scale nature of the election, there won't be an exit poll.

We will be bringing you live updates throughout the night. 

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