Six beginner tips for growing tomatoes – plant by this flower to help them flourish

Growing juicy tomatoes can be a breeze with these tips that will help you cultivate healthy ones.

Three ripe tomatoes on green branch.

Growing juicy tomatoes can be a breeze with these tips that will help you cultivate healthy ones (Image: Getty)

In the quest for big juicy tomatoes, there are some things you should keep in mind. For instance, how much sunlight they need, or what you should plant them with to promise the best fruits.

GardenFrenzy, who shares planting tips on social media, shared some things you might want to have in your arsenal when it comes to growing the perfect tomato plants.

In a TikTok recording, they detailed exactly what you need to do to grow bountiful, healthy tomatoes.


Tomatoes must have full sun, at least six hours or more of direct sunlight each day.


Always plant Marigolds near tomatoes, as it helps them grow better.

READ MORE: Tomato and strawberry plants grow juicier fruit with one kitchen item they love


Always plant basil near tomatoes, as it protects them from bugs and fungal diseases.

Healthy tomatoes

“For healthy tomato plants, always trim the leaves below the first tomato. This gives your tomatoes lots of nice airflow. Also, prune those suckers off in between the armpits. You can easily just pull them off.”

Properly watering tomatoes

Try and always water your tomatoes at the base and do not get the leaves wet.

Try not to overhead water with the hose, especially when it’s hot out.


Put banana peels in a jar of water. “When it changes colors, the potassium-rich banana peels are excellent for plants like tomatoes, peppers, or flowers. I put them on there and tomatoes love them.”

People left comments on the tomato tips.


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With some advice, one person wrote: “You don’t need to prune them at all You don’t need to put banana peels near them because they don’t need that much nitrogen. Crushed egg shells is a good idea to put.”

Keen on trying one of the hacks, another person said: “Never heard of banana peel fertilizer but will try it.”

And someone shared their own method, writing: “I prune when the bottom leaves turn yellow and put them back into the soil.”

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