Jamie Oliver’s ‘hearty’ Italian sausage pasta recipe can be cooked in just 10 minutes

Pasta is the ultimate comfort food and you can have a tasty bowl for yourself in no time thanks to Jamie Oliver's quick and easy dinner recipe.

Picture of sausage pappardelle

Jamie Oliver’s sausage pappardelle can be made in just 10 minutes (Image: Getty)

It can be difficult to decide what to make for dinner, but there is nothing better than a big comforting bowl of pasta. 

Jamie Oliver has shared his shortcut recipe to make Italian sausage pappardelle in less than 10 minutes for a quick and easy dinner.

He said: “This rich, tomatoey, sausage pasta is an absolute doddle and feels like a proper, hearty meal ”

There is the perfect dinner recipe for when you cannot be bothered cooking but want something tasty and homecooked as it is very simple to put together.

Plus, everything is cooked in just one pan so you can also save time on the washing up afterwards.

Picture of sausage pappardelle

This 'hearty' dinner is perfect for when you want some quick and easy comfort food (Image: Getty)

How to make one-pan sausage pappardelle  

Ingredients (serves one)

  • 125g of fresh lasagna sheets
  • 200ml of passata
  • Two sausages
  • One clove of garlic
  • One teaspoon of fennel seeds
  • Half a bunch of parsley
  • Red wine
  • Parmesan cheese (for grating)

Picture of sausage pappardelle

Everything is cooked in the one pan so you can also save time on the washing up (Image: Getty)


To begin, boil the kettle. Cut the lasagna sheets lengthways into three-centimetre strips to make them into pappardelle.

Finely chop the garlic and leafy half of the parsley then the stalks, keeping them separate.

Place a frying pan on a high heat and wait for it to warm up. Once hot, drizzle a little olive oil into the pan and then squeeze the sausage meat out of its skin and into the pan.

Break up the sausage meat with a wooden spoon and stir for two minutes, then add the garlic, parsley stalks and fennel seeds.

Once the sausages and lightly golden, add a good splash of red wine and let the liquid cook away, then add the passata and pasta into the pan.

Carefully pour in enough boiling water from the kettle to cover the pasta in the pan, which should roughly be about 300ml.

Let it bubble away for four minutes or until the pasta has absorbed most of the water and there’s a rich tomato sauce.

Turn the heat off and stir in the parsley leaves, then season with pepper. Finish by grating parmesan cheese on top and adding a touch of extra virgin olive oil if you wish.

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