Mary Berry’s ‘quick’ 6-ingredient passion fruit and banana Eton mess recipe

Looking for some dessert inspiration? Then look no further with this sweet treat which only takes 20 minutes to prepare.

By Chloe Dobinson, Lifestyle Reporter

Eton mess

Who doesn't love a sweet treat? (Image: Mary Berry)

When it comes to sweet treats we just can’t help ourselves. Whether you’re more of a chocolate cake, ice cream or tiramisu kind of person, everyone pretty much has their go-to food.

And this recipe from Mary Berry certainly doesn’t disappoint. The chef’s passion fruit and banana eton mess is “sure to please” and is a “quick” pudding to make.

According to Berry’s website, it reads: “Such a quick pudding and sure to please. The sharpness of the passion fruit counteracts the sweetness of the meringue and richness of the cream, while the banana adds bulk.”

Meanwhile, if you’re not a fan of bananas, Berry suggests replacing them with 100g (4oz) of seedless white grapes or mango. Just make sure to cut them in half.

The recipe serves six people and only takes 20 minutes to prepare.

Woman hands cracking an egg to separate egg yolk from egg white into stainless mixing bowl, preparing food ingredients in the kitchen

The recipe is pretty simple to follow (Image: Getty)

How to make Mary Berry’s passion fruit and banana eton mess recipe.


  • 300ml (10fl oz) pouring double cream

  • 200g (7oz) natural Greek-style yoghurt

  • Three ripe passion fruit

  • Four tbsp passion fruit purée (see tip)

  • One large just-ripe banana, peeled and sliced

  • 10 ready-made meringue nests, broken into large pieces

For decoration

  • Two ready-made meringue nests

  • One ripe passion fruit, sliced into thin wedges

  • Two tbsp passion fruit purée

  • Six mint sprigs

Heartwarming Father-Daughter Baking Time

The dessert will certainly go down a treat (Image: Getty)


Firstly, you will need six glasses measuring 150–200ml (5–7fl oz) in capacity. Small tumblers or saucer champagne glasses normally do the job.

Next, measure the double cream into a large bowl and whisk them into soft peaks, Stir in the yoghurt. Halve the passion fruit, scoop out the pulp and then add to the cream with the passion fruit purée.

Don’t forget to add the banana slices and broken meringues and gently fold them together.

Then divide the mixture between the glasses by shaping the top of the mixture into a peak with your spoon. Chill the mixture in the fridge until it is ready to serve.

Just before serving, slice the meringues into shards and insert them into the top of each glass. You can garnish the eton mess with a couple of passion fruit wedges, a drizzle of passion fruit purée and a sprig of mint for added effect.

Will you be giving this recipe a try? Let us know in the comments below.

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