Drivers are realising they can ‘save hundreds’ on car insurance after Martin Lewis advice

UK drivers could make top savings on car insurance agreements by making a quick alteration this summer.

By Luke Chillingsworth, Cars Reporter

martin lewis

Martin Lewis has previously urged drivers to renew car insurance agreements weeks in advance (Image: Getty / ITV)

Motorists could make dramatic car insurance savings by making a simple change to their renewal in 2024, according to Martin Lewis and TikTok influencers.

Renewing a policy around three weeks before a current agreement ends is the absolute sweet spot to get the best prices.

It means motorists could save several hundred pounds by being prepared and getting ahead of the curve.

TikTok influencer @shetalkscars shared the hack online revealing that changing a policy between 23 and 16 days was ideal.

She said: “This is a car insurance hack I wish I knew years ago. Literally, this one little thing that costs you no money, just a bit of planning could literally save you hundreds off your car insurance for the year. I know because I’ve done it. It works.

@shetalkscars ✅ Wondering how to save money on your car insurance? Try THIS car insurance tip! ?????? It’s free and could save you £100s on your car insurance. ?????? Let me know how you get on! #carinsurance #carinsurancetips #ukcar #ukcar #carsuk #ukdrivers #driversuk #ukdriver #moneysavingtips #ukmoneysaving #moneysavinghack #moneysavingtipsuk #moneysavinghacksuk #moneysavingexpert #ukcarcommunity ♬ Love You So - The King Khan & BBQ Show

“Get your car insurance between 23 and 26 days in advance, for some reason, this shows insurers that you're a safer driver.

“I don't know why that is anyway it makes your insurance cheaper. That's all you need to know. Make sure you do this, it's going to change the game.”

@shetalkscars then admitted that taking advantage of the tip had helped her save between £200 and £300 on a policy.

Social media users quickly praised the hack with many suggesting it had even helped them cut their own bills.

car insurance policy

Renewing in advance can help drivers save between £200 and £300 (Image: Getty)

TikTok user @thevinnievinster commented: “I remember doing this for my 1 series. It was either wait 3 weeks and pay 800 or pay 5k for next day lol.”

@87klow reacted: “I always do it the week it's due to renew, good tip. will do this next year.”

@leighs_stuff reacted: “I do this every year. Changed car this year and omg never had such a high premium!”

@herbie4552 posted: “Yep I did it and saved 50 quid on last years.”

Another TikTok user explained: “It shows that you are organised and plan ahead instead of leaving it till last minute, a trait that is good when driving.. braking for instance.”

Martin Lewis is a big advocate of renewing policies early and has previously shared the tip.

Earlier this year, the finance guru told ITV that 23 days was the best time to sort an agreement for those unaware of the rule

He stressed: “The perfect time to get car insurance is 23 days before your renewal. That’s not for your renewal quote, that’s for going onto comparisons to get different quotes.

“It seems absolutely ridiculous but insurance pricing is all about actuarial risk. And what their risk shows them is the type of people who get car insurance early are a lower risk so they give them a lower price.

“You might pay nearly double if you wait until the last minute to get your car insurance.”

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