Drivers warned to check car part for damage that may cause 'dangers and MOT failures'

One of the easiest parts of a vehicle to damage, motorists have been advised to check their door mirrors for issues that could lead to the car failing its MOT.

Professional detailer working on blue door mirror

Drivers have been advised to make sure their car mirrors are in working order before their MOT (Image: Getty)

The specialist tape and protection film manufacturer JTAPE has advised motorists to check the mirrors on their car before taking it for an MOT.

With the cost of car repairs on the rise, many motorists are taking vehicle maintenance into their own hands in order to save money wherever possible.

However, Chris Jevons, Commercial Director at JTAPE, warned that, while it may seem somewhat trivial, there are many ways in which mirrors could cause a car to receive advisories or even fail its MOT.

He advised: "Unsecured, broken or improperly adjusted car mirrors can not only make it difficult for drivers to see their blind spots properly, but they can also lead to other dangers and MOT failures in some cases.

"To make sure you avoid these mistakes when driving and do your bit to keep you and others safe, here are some of the most common car mirror mishaps to watch out for."

Close-up of a damaged door mirror on a white car

Drivers should make sure that damaged mirrors are still properly secured and effective (Image: Getty)

First, JTAPE highlighted that motorists must make sure that the mirrors on their vehicle are fitted correctly, particularly on older models that were purchased used.

Given that they protrude quite significantly from the rest of the car body, door mirrors can easily be knocked when driving in a tight space, causing it to become ineffective or, in some cases, completely fall off.

To prevent damage from causing a car to fail its MOT, the company suggested repairing any damage as soon as it occurs, buying a replacement mirror or securing it with quality mounting tape.

Motorist adjusting the interior mirror in her car

Both the interior and door mirrors must be adjusted correctly to reduce blind spots (Image: Getty)

A more commonplace error that JTAPE warned motorists to avoid is having mirrors that are not adjusted correctly.

Whilst badly positioned mirrors would not typically cause a vehicle to fail its MOT, the tester could refuse to pass a car if the mechanism inside the mirrors is broken.

In addition, drivers who do not have their door mirrors correctly adjusted have bigger blind spots and therefore are putting themselves and other road users at higher risk of accidents.

Finally, JTAPE recommended that owners of vehicles that feature indicator lights within the door mirrors make sure they are working correctly.

Sometimes referred to as repeater lights, these indicators make it easier for surrounding road users to see where the driver is planning to turn.

As a result, broken indicator lights could cause pedestrians and other drivers to be misled and can therefore cause a vehicle to fail an upcoming MOT.

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