Drivers could fail MOT test before entering garage due to common issue 

Drivers could be caught out when visiting car garages for an MOT test this summer with a common issue found in 16 percent of tests.

By Luke Chillingsworth, Cars Reporter

mot test garage

Motorists have been issued an MOT warning (Image: Getty)

Experts have issued a vital MOT test warning to road users with many at risk of failing before they even enter the garage. 

Specialists at Vansdirect have stressed motorists may have “noticed issues” with faulty brake pedals ahead of their yearly exam. 

Visiting a garage when road users know there is an issue will certainly backfire as brakes are one of the most important checks conducted by DVSA car mechanics

He said: “When it comes to potentially faulty brakes, you’ll likely have already noticed issues while driving your vehicle.

“For example, if you notice that your van pulls to one side slightly when you apply the brakes, then this suggests a major defect that needs to be addressed immediately.

car garage

16 percent of tests identify brake issues (Image: Getty)

“And while you can check your brake pads for excessive wear, we would recommend hiring a professional mechanic for this particular task.

“However, if you suspect your brakes are faulty or have an issue, then don’t wait until your MOT test. Always take your vehicle into the garage as soon as possible, just to be on the safe side.”

Problems around brake pedals were recorded as one of the most common MOT defects in the UK. 

New analysis looked at the MOT testing data for Great Britain over the last 12 months for class 3 and 4 vehicles with brake issues third on the list. 

According to the data, brake defects were picked up in 16.27 percent of exams, slightly more than tyre issues (12.55 percent) and visibility concerns (8.35 percent). 

However, concerns around lamps and electrical equipment are higher with problems picked up in 25.32 percent of exams. 

Suspension issues were also picked up 10.34 percent of tests putting it just above brake woes.

According to BookMyGarage, the leading motoring service and repair comparison site, claimed motorists “concerned” about brakes should get it checked out. 

They admitted one of the simplest ways to tell whether brakes are suffering is to identify if they are squeaking 

Simply not using the car regularly could cause issues while cold weather may also be to blame. 

Meanwhile, a heavy vehicle may also be responsible as motorists are urged to strip excess weight.

They added: “If you overload your car, your brakes may not be able to cope. Try and remove some excess weight and see if the squeaking noise goes away.”

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