Carer's Allowance warning as carers could find they're no longer eligible from this month

ALMOST one million unpaid carers across the UK are likely to see real term cuts in their benefits and eligible working hours as inflation skyrockets. It means some may need to adjust the amount they work, or find themselves no longer eligible for Carer's Allowance.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Ed Davey presses Boris Johnson on Carer's Allowance

DWP benefits and payments like and state pension have increased by 3.1 percent this month. However, as inflation hit seven percent and no changes were made to the eligibility earnings for unpaid carers, millions could find themselves worse off.

Carer’s Allowance has increased by £2.10 per week, based on inflation in September last year when the increase was announced. 

Since then, the Ukrainian crisis and has seen the purchasing power of benefit payments sinking. 

This represents a real-term cut in benefits for the majority of benefit recipients. 

A more worrying aspect for unpaid carers, however, is the lack of changes to their earning capacity.

Unpaid carer concerned over her finances

Unpaid carers may find themselves worse off even with the 3.1 percent increase (Image: GETTY)

To be eligible for , there is criteria to be met both by the carer and the patient. 

The person being cared for must be receiving one of the following benefits:

  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Child Disability Payment
  • Adult Disability Payment. 

Monthly household budget

Unpaid carers who find themselves with a pay increase may have to cut back on their hours (Image: GETTY)

Claiming Carer’s Allowance has the potential to alter the benefits that the patient receives, and carers looking after multiple people can only claim the benefit for one patient. 

The carer themselves must be doing caring duties for at least 35 hours per week.

These duties include tasks such as helping with household chores, shopping or assisting with transport to medical treatments.

While the 35 hour rule does allow for unpaid carers to get employment and in essence income from elsewhere with the rest of their time, this is also capped. 

To claim Carer’s Allowance, unpaid carers cannot earn more than £132 after tax, and expenses. 

Unlike the actual payments which has risen to counteract against inflation, this earning threshold has not. 

The National Living Wage also increased this month, meaning that carers will not be able to work as much as they previously did in order to stay below the threshold. 

Previously, unpaid carers could work a maximum of 14.36 hours per week to stay below the limit. 

Now they can only work 13.89 hours per week. 

Going over the earnings limit makes carers ineligible for their benefit, meaning they will lose all of their Carer’s Allowance payment. 

To be eligible for Carer’s Allowance, all of the following must apply to the carers themselves:

  • Aged 16 or over
  • Spend at least 35 hours per week caring
  • Lived in England, Scotland or Wales for at least two of the last three years
  • Normally live in England, Scotland or Wales
  • Not be in full-time education or studying for 21 hours or more per week
  • Not subject to immigration control
  • Earn less than £132 per week after tax, National Insurance and expenses. 

This article previously stated the earnings threshold for Carer's Allowance was £128, however it is now £132 a week. We are happy to set the record straight.

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