Carer's Allowance: Six tips for applicants including 'faster and simpler' way to claim

CARERS UK has shared six vital tips for first-time Carer's Allowance applicants to help them access over £3,500 per year.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Ed Davey presses Boris Johnson on Carer's Allowance

Carer’s Allowance currently offers £67.60 per week for eligible unpaid carers as a compensation for their work which alleviates stress off the professional care sector in the UK. The rates will be rising next week to £69.70, and unpaid carers looking to make their first application are urged to claim their entitlement.

Carers UK, the leading charity for carers in the UK, shared their top six tips for first-time Carers Allowance applicants. 

Benefits check

Carers UK recommended unpaid carers have a benefits check to find out what help they are entitled to and to ensure they receive it.

They noted: “You may find that you are entitled to more financial support than you thought, and it may save you time by preventing you from applying for the wrong benefits.” 

Woman filling out forms

Carer's Allowance will be increasing by 3.1 percent next week (Image: GETTY)

It can be beneficial for Britons to ensure they have information on hand about their existing income, including benefits, savings, pension and childcare payments as well as their partner’s before having a benefits check. 

Claim online

Carers UK claimed that “it’s faster and simpler” for applicants to make their claim online. 

Alternatively, they can download the online form, print and fill it in then send it through the post. 

Using the online form, applicants will be asked a series of questions to ensure they meet the basic eligibility for Carer’s Allowance. 


Man filling out forms

Britons can get assistance with filling out the application forms (Image: GETTY)

Have personal information on hand

Regardless of whether they are applying online or through the post, it will be beneficial for applicants to keep their personal information on hand to make filling out the form a bit easier. 

This includes:

  • Full contact details
  • National Insurance number
  • Bank or building society details
  • Employment details
  • Latest payslip
  • P45
  • Course details if they are studying.

Claimants will also need the following information from the person they care for:

  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • National Insurance number or Disability Living Allowance reference number.

Keep copies

Britons who are using the post method to apply are advised to keep a copy of their form and supporting documents.

Those using the online application can select the option to receive an email confirmation when the application is received by the DWP, which can be useful for future reference. 

Check for backdated payments

Carers UK noted carers who have been caring for three months before they submit their claims might be able to get backdated payments if they were eligible during this period.

Remember to report updates and circumstance changes

Applicants who are awarded Carer’s Allowance should take heed to report any changes in their circumstance that could affect their payments. 

This can include changes in income, work patterns or taking a break from caring. 

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