‘We’re hungry all the time’ Single mum pleads for help as Universal Credit falls short

A SINGLE mum has had to survive on just £40 per week after getting long Covid in December 2020.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Rishi Sunak baffles MP with claims Universal Credit is 'generous'

Kelly Thomson, 43, receives which covers her rent and a few other costs. Unfortunately, after all of these outgoings, she is left with just £160 a month to live in the facing of .

Inflation has reached a devastating seven percent, with the impact being seen across the UK not expected to stop anytime soon. 

The 30 year high is hitting hardest on the pockets of families like Ms Thomson, who has lost two stone in weight. 

Ms Thomson currently only eats once a day, and found herself in such dire circumstances that she had to take the family TV and her daughter’s birthday present to Cash Converters to buy food. 

While the children get breakfast, lunch at school and a family dinner in the evenings, Ms Thomson has been going without - subsequently losing two stone since January 2021. She said: "I'm lucky if I get a meal a day.”


Kelly Thomson

Kelly Thomson lives with her son and daughter in Berkshire (Image: Kelly Thomson)

While she used to get by on £12 a week for electricity, she now uses that much in just four days due to

Before the price rises, her family had to endure four-day periods without power last winter, using candles and relying on neighbours to heat up their food.

She said: "I was wearing a vest, long-sleeve top, a hoodie and dressing gown, with tights and leggings under my jeans. We had tights under our pyjamas."

Ms Thomson was laid off from her job as a cleaner more than a year ago after getting long Covid in the peak of the pandemic. 


Kelly Thomson

Ms Thomson has lost so much weight her clothes are too big but she cannot afford to buy more (Image: Kelly Thomson)

Already not in the best health due to long Covid, Ms Thomson says now she feels “faint with hunger all the time”, calling on the Government to help those struggling to survive. 

She said: “I'm not asking for luxury, just to be able to pay the bills and eat. I worked for 25 years paying , and my parents paid all their lives. I just don't know what's happening in England any more.

"Boris and the government need to step in and help us - they hand out billions to others and we're starving, we're only just surviving now."

Her monthly Universal Credit payment of £1,300 per month is no longer enough for her family to live on. 

Currently, Ms Thomsons’ rent is £1,271 for her three-bed house where she lives with her son, 14, and daughter, 11.

Because of her rent, her allowances are over £2,000 and her payments are reduced due to the benefit cap. 

She receives £325 standard allowance and £520 child support, but every month £600 of that flies out of her account as she claims £35 child benefit per week and is paying back two loans she took out when they first moved in and needed to pay for a bed and council tax. 

After all of these expenses, she is left with £161 a month for utilities, council tax, food and clothes. 

On such a tight budget, no one in the family of three has had any new clothes since January 2021, even though the children have outgrown their school uniforms. 

She shared: "We're hungry all the time and my clothes are falling off me. I can't afford to buy any more.

"We can't afford a social life or even to put music on or watch TV, and our mental health is really suffering. I'm so worried and I cry every day. 

“I'm so frightened I'm going to lose my mind, and I used to be such a happy person.”

A government spokesperson said: “We recognise the pressures on the cost of living and we are doing what we can to help, including spending £22 billion across the next financial year to support people with energy bills and cut fuel duty. And our £1 billion Household Support Fund is there to help those in most need with the cost of everyday essentials.

“PIP is also available to people with long-term health conditions or disabilities including Long Covid, a non-means tested form of support.”

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