How much money you really need to be happy - the minimum salary for life satisfaction

THERE'S the age old saying that money doesn't buy happiness, but it's definitely more comfortable to cry in a Lamborghini than on a bicycle.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Monzo demonstrate the ‘salary sorter’ and ‘bills pot’

Happiness for some often translates to having few stressors, free time and the ability to do what they enjoy the most whenever they want. And while money can’t buy a hobby or friends, it can provide the tools to enjoy it to the fullest and indirectly make life happier.

Expenses and financial expectations change continuously as one grows older, alongside this the ability to get luxuries without spending too much is usually a lot easier when Santa Claus can still provide it.

So, how much money does it take to buy happiness throughout life?

Well, it all depends on expenses; the less expenses you have the less money you spend on it and the more you can save or enjoy.

One of the lowest amounts expected to create happiness is an annual salary of £33,000 which is just slightly above national average.

Money falling around a man

Having too much money can also create as much stress as not having enough money (Image: GETTY)

This amount ensures that basic necessities are met without having to worrying too much about bills at the end of each month.

Some people can be truly happy with this, especially when starting out in a career, and as a single, young person this amount can extend to cover a few luxuries as well.

The minimum amount needed to cover basic expenses as a young, single person is around £17,900 annually, almost half of the this happiness estimate leaving the other half for purchases and services that provide pure happiness.

On the other hand, a family of four has average expenses of £40,000 per year only for necessities, already exceeding the happiness estimate without even spending it on items that incite happiness.

For older generations, true happiness comes with an even larger price tag.

Another study showed that in your 30’s and 40’s, £46,000-£75,000 was the ideal salary range to be happy without being too financially paranoid.

This money usually goes towards pure luxuries like holidays, experiences and enjoying life to the fullest.

One thing to keep in mind is the dreaded midlife crisis – which tend to be quite expensive without managing to buy much happiness at all.

Woman holding a smile emoji

Retirement spending will differ depending on the amount of people relying on the income (Image: GETTY)

While this has no set time frame, the average age range for a midlife crisis is between 40 and 65.

As one gets into their 50’s and 60’s, planning for retirement becomes more of a priority than the daily luxury expenditure of young social life.

Funding retirement is a worry for many, but a survey conducted by Which? showed that basic essentials for a comfortable retirement tallied up at £15,000 per year.

This amount covered the bare necessities such as groceries, transport and rent as well as a few small luxuries like buying new clothes once a season.

A luxurious retirement saw people spending around £36,000 per year which included leisure memberships, long-term holidays, new cars and clothes.

Again these values differ depending on how many people are using this money.

Couples wanting a luxurious retirement can expect to spend upwards of £41,000 per year whereas single-person households buying only the essentials can spend as little as £13,000 per year.

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