Are you sitting on £1,380 without realising? Items in your home could be worth a fortune

EBAY is a great place to buy - and also a fantastic place to make some money selling. The average Briton is sitting on a whopping £1,380 worth of goods, according to the site.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

eBay: Map shows areas affected by server outage

Holidays, eating out and entertainment, all areas that are now fully re-opening are expected to be a major drain on everyone’s budget. New research from eBay shows just what Britons were spending their money on during lockdown, and how you can profit from it.

eBay’s research found one third of UK adults splurged on over 26 frivolous items during the lockdown, and many of these can now be resold to fund a summer holiday.

Some of the most popular purchases during lockdown were smartphones, averaging at £238, coffee machines valued at £71 and standing mixers with an average of £92.

18-34 year-olds mostly got invested in traditional hobbies and items to revamp their home office, many of these items haven’t seen much use and selling them could see you raise £457.

Board games - £21

Coffee machine £71

Yoga mat £14

Embroidery hoop £14

Ice cream maker £33

Fishing rod £42

Weights £46

Electric keyboard £216

reselling written in wooden blocks

Reselling some of the items you no longer need or use is a great way to boost your income (Image: GETTY)

35-54 year-olds joined the self-improvement trends with new sports and DIY materials.

Headphones £20

Running shoes £27

Jigsaw puzzle £41

Popcorn machine £38

Robotic hoover £76

Electric drill £31

Golf clubs £86

Stand mixer £92


Those over the age of 55 spent their time outside, in their gardens, and embraced unique skills and DIY.

Novelty slippers £12

Smartphone £238

Deck chair £37

Plant pot £12

Pots & Pans £32

Ukulele £12

Fire pit £88

Parasol £81

eBay logo

Through sites like eBay, resellers made up to £30 a week during the first lockdown (Image: eBay)

The most sold items across eBay included:

Building blocks £32

Knitting kit & accessories £12

Skipping rope £10

Scrabble £8

Paint tester pots £9

Speaker £101

Pizza oven £111 / Electric keyboard £216 / Fire pit £88

Jigsaw £41

Cookie cutter £3

Hair clippers £46

Whilst a few stranger items also gained popularity:

Korean body scrub towels


Chilean guava plant

Melon baller

Pond liner

Manhole cover

Half whisky barrels

Tarot cards

Selling these unused, unwanted or secondhand items could see over £1,000 in easy extra cash to help fund your summer getaway.

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